Ford Focus diesel injectors

17 Apr 2007
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United Kingdom
Ford Focus C-Max 1.6 TDCi Zetec

I called in at a garage to have a look at the car. The fella reckons one of the two types of Ford diesel injectors aren't the best.

Does this car have the bad type?
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No idea!

I'll have to investigate which engine Ford installed.
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Is leakage a known problem with the Ford injectors?

Years ago, I read that diesel injectors were tested for spray pattern, drip and back leakage.
Are they more advanced now?

May go back and see the car tomorrow.
All injectors are checked for spray the good old days it was ok to point the injector into a jar and look for an even spray but not any more.
As pressures are much higher courtesy of a bloody great pump and common rail, the injectors have more, but finer, holes that the fuel exits from and this is beyond visual inspection. Fuel leak back is also measured.
The big problem with many injectors is the seal into the cylinder head. Effectively the injector is clamped down onto a copper washer and if the machining isn't perfect the injector well fills up with fluid and leaks down the back of the engine. Another trade off is the injector sticks into it's hole with carbon, and often has to be removed with a slide hammer :eek:
John :)