
27 Nov 2006
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United Kingdom
An old couple was watching TV one evening, and the husband got up to go to the kitchen. His wife told him to get her some iced tea, and knowing that the years had taken their toll on his memory, she told him to write it down.

"I can remember iced tea," he protested.

"But I want sugar in my tea too," she told him, "so write it down."

He told her he could remember iced tea with sugar.

"I want a slice of lemon too." she said, "Just write it down."

He left the room grumbling to himself. A few minutes later he came back with a plate full of mashed potatoes for her.

"Now look what you've done!" she yelled at him, "You forgot my gravy!"
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Shirley that should be ...were watching...?
I see Softus is trying to set another hare running.

When the word 'couple' is used of two people, it takes plural verbs and pronouns.

I enjoyed the joke, too.
Are there instances where couple is used of one person then Xerxes? :LOL:
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Er, not as far as I know.

But 'couple' can be used of things that are not persons.

It can also be used imprecisely, to mean a few (as in 'a couple of miles').
"A couple" is slang for "A couple of <things>", so the confusion arises from the fact it's one word, which makes it appear to be a collective pronoun when it isn't.


A herd of wilderbeast is over there, between the land and the sky.

A flock of seagulls is pooping on my car.

A couple of cats are having a fight out the back.

A lot of forum members think that ban-all-sheds should take a chill pill.
A herd of wilderbeast is over there, between the land and the sky.
I thought the sea was over there between the land and the sky ... In Torquay Mr Fawlty ;)

Thank you war warl wawl all for the instruction :LOL:


Not between the land and the sky, but sweeping majestically across the plain.
Where would the apostrophe go then, when it's possessive?

A couple's 70 year marriage...


A couples' 70 year marriage...
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