Found my Action Man @ last

6 Sep 2007
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United Kingdom
I yanked the radiator off the wall in my childhood bedroom ....... Found my action man & lotsa dust ....... Quite a few weired looking objects, plus what I think could be the remains of my guinea pig ..... From circa 1975 (Ish)

Quite handy really ...... Umm :rolleyes:
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Ahh! probably found it nice and warm tucked behind it :D
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So what exactly was Action Man doing with the guinea pig? :eek:
Well the Guinea pig ended up dead ...... Action man looked ok tho ...... His eagle eyes worked & everything :D

Fwoar :eek:


john m you may be put on front off an action fireing squad and shot with ball of yor own sh#t for remarks like that about your missus :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
my action man is still where i left him. Hanging from a telephone wire about 40 feet above the ground with his homemade parachute entagled in the wrie. The wire is over some old terraced houses and i should think hes been there for about 25-30 years now!
my action man is still where i left him. Hanging from a telephone wire about 40 feet above the ground with his homemade parachute entagled in the wrie. The wire is over some old terraced houses and i should think hes been there for about 25-30 years now!

Send BT a bill for "Military Grade Security" 20+ years worf should be a good scoop :cool:
yeah but they will probably do me for the faulty parachute. I think the barrel had been snapped off of his SLR anyway!

STill at least he lasted longer than the one we put in a scorpion tank, filled with white spirit (you know whats coming dont you) Ignited and then pushed off of our shed roof in a ball of flames.
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