Free trade deals...

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom

It appears that the EU have stolen a march on our great 'global free trading' country's ambitions!

So what was that about the EU keeping prices high for the UK?

It also took many years to negotiate, so a question to brexiteers...

How long do you think it will take for our brave Brexit nation to do the same, or as promised get a better deal?

It appears that whilst the tories/brexiteers have been fiddling, the UK is burning!
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How do you link that article to your conclusion? It clear they wanted us in the deal, hence the rush to sign it before Brexit.
How do you link that article to your conclusion? It clear they wanted us in the deal, hence the rush to sign it before Brexit.
But we won't be included in the deal after we finally leave will we!

And then a small nation will have to go cap in hand to another nation who have already done a deal with the world's biggest trading area!

Edit: I suspect there will be many such deals wrapped up before the UK brexits...
Because (rightly or wrongly) the world community/corporates wish that the brexit opinion poll be reversed.
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Of course we will.

The leavers leaders told us how easy it will be to get better terms!
But the 'believers' (sic?) don't care whatever the facts put in front of them...

"The Government’s official and independent spending watchdog has confirmed that there will be no “brexit dividend” for the UK, despite the claims of ministers."

Let us just hope that this ray of sunshine isn't censored again as the last OBR report was here!
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