Gen' disc' is dying.

2 Feb 2006
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United Kingdom
Make no bones about it, the general discussion section (of diy not) is dying.

We have lost some colourful albeit argumentative characters lately and it shows.

It just seems that people are happy to go over the same ole tiresome subjects of immigration, racism, peados, money woes...etc etc.

It is like being trapped in the eternal nightmare that is GMTV! :eek: What a godforsaken programme. I thank the lord that i don't have to endure any other day time tv shows that follow it.

I'm afraid it's up to you BOB DOLE to keep us interested. :rolleyes: :LOL:

Any one else noticed?
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Make no bones about it, the general discussion section (of diy not) is dying.

We have lost some colourful albeit argumentative characters lately and it shows.

It just seems that people are happy to go over the same ole tiresome subjects of immigration, racism, peados, money woes...etc etc.

It is like being trapped in the eternal nightmare that is GMTV! :eek: What a godforsaken programme. I thank the lord that i don't have to endure any other day time tv shows that follow it.

I'm afraid it's up to you BOB DOLE to keep us interested. :rolleyes: :LOL:

Any one else noticed?
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I must admit I haven't seen a conveyor belt mentioned lately.
Aye it's been as dry as Ghandi's sandal, I do enjoy Mr West's post's, he always looks on the bright side and makes me grin.

Whilst we are bored :D , What are the 'odds' of winning noughts and crosses ? Is 'going' first the key to wining ? :LOL: :LOL:

If you were to play noughts and crosses against yourself a hundred times would the score be 50/50, would your brain 'try' to cheat itself (mine does)??

Ed.thats how bored I have been
Tis' true that the thread locking rate is almost insignificant nowadays and this is a good indicator of a good debate IMO ...

Whilst we are bored :D , What are the 'odds' of winning noughts and crosses ?

If you go first, play the centre square, if the opponent plays a corner square it will be a draw.

If you go first, and play the centre square and your opponent plays a horizontal square, or a vertical square, place an X next to it and you will win.

If both players play correctly then it will ALWAYS be a draw.
What happened to Softus ? I know he wasn't everyones cup of tea, but I had some good sparring sessions with him.
BoxCleva";p="1173854 said:
What happened to Softus ? I know he wasn't everyones cup of tea, but I had some good sparring sessions with him.[/quote

In a recent post Softus stated that he thought that it was time to move on and he did. His departure generated a fair bit of discussion and to be honest, I dont think the place is the same without him.
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