General election

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15 Sep 2017
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United Kingdom
its going to happen...just when.

Boris Johnson will want an election before Oct 31, so he will welcome a vote of no confidence, if it fails he will call an election.

why before 31st Oct?

because he doesnt want if after a no deal -the crisis following a no deal would damage his popularity.

Unfortunately Corbyn will get Labour to vote for a GE becasue he mistakenly thinks he can win.

I suppose there is a chance he could only agree to a GE with a peoples vote.
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Putting aside our outdated undemocratic electoral system...

'Twould be nice if the two major political parties would nail their colours to the mast...

Leave or remain...

Deal or no deal..

We all know where the SNP, Lib Dems, Greens stand...

We also know where the lunatic fringe (aka brexit/UKIP parties) stand...

But we really need to know the exact stance of the parties that will decide the direction this country takes in years to come!
to be fair Labour have a difficult choice, they have a few million leave voters.

if they nail remain colours to the mast those voters become Brexit party ones.

I cant help thinking it is Conservative remainer MPs and voters are where the risk lies.

Tory voters will hate voting for Corbyn 'we dont want a marxist government'.....
Jonhnson cannot 'call' an election.

He can propose one but needs 66% of MPs to vote for it.
I suppose he would get that but just saying.
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I see on the news that Corbyn wants an election - so 66% might be likely.

If so, will the electorate vote in 75% of remain MPs yet again? If so, will that be the will of the people?
cant help thinking it is Conservative remainer MPs and voters are where the risk lies.
No..the risk lies in how many flipper floppers like you there are, ,who cannot decide in or out
I see on the news that Corbyn wants an election - so 66% might be likely.

If so, will the electorate vote in 75% of remain MPs yet again? If so, will that be the will of the people?
We shall see.
Jonhnson cannot 'call' an election.

He can propose one but needs 66% of MPs to vote for it.
I suppose he would get that but just saying.

Yes, I should have explained better.

Blair is warning Corbyn to vote against a GE on Johnsons terms -he wants an election before the 31st.

Unfortunately Corbyn wont be to resist the chance of a GE, he still thinks he has a chance. Which he doesnt against Johnson.
The problem is that remain Tory voters wont be able to bring themselves to vote Corbyn (although I would), they will vote Lib dems.

Labour leave voters will vote Brexit party, or if they are extreme no dealers they will vote Johnson.

Labour should find themselves a charismatic moderate leader to take over. Its their only chance
No..the risk lies in how many flipper floppers like you there are, ,who cannot decide in or out
Its a shame the North of England cant be independant, that way the uninformed Leavers can own the mess theyve made and return to the dark ages.
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