German Army sending 60 Ventilators to the UK

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom

German army donates 60 ventilators as UK scrambles for equipment
NHS prepares for expected coronavirus infection peak in mid-April

Germany’s army is donating 60 mobile ventilators to the UK following a call for help as the NHS races to get hold of enough life-saving equipment in the runup to the expected peak of the UK’s Covid-19 pandemic in mid-April.

Officials have been racing to obtain ventilators internationally because UK manufacturers have not been able to produce enough in time.

A spokesperson for the German defence ministry confirmed to the Guardian a report in Der Spiegel, according to which the Bundeswehr would send 60 pieces of the life-saving equipment as soon as possible.

Highlighting the urgency of the British situation, the German ministry said it would not invoice the UK for the ventilators, which are made by two specialist German manufacturers, Dräger and Weinmann.

More than 480 ventilators are understood to have arrived in the UK from overseas since March. They have been bought or donated from China, which has supplied 300, the US, Germany, Sweden and Taiwan.

So we will still be below our target of 18k Ventilators.
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We got a free boiler from the Germans :cool:

And a free recharchable work light

And a free fga

I like the Germans :sneaky:

Entente cordial ;)
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