Good news on booze?

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
It looks like the heavy-drinking baby boomers may be losing their grip. Seemingly younger people are not as bad as portrayed.

Amazingly, alcohol consumption per head doubled between the 1950's and the 2000's. And now it is going down.

We have to be cautious with the reliability of these figures. But it could be good news.

Except that the numbers of heavy-drinking older people will shrink as they drink themselves into an early grave.


"The 2016 poll of nearly 8,000 Britons found just under 60% had had a drink in the past week - the lowest rate since the survey began in 2005.

Of those who had not had a drink, half were teetotallers."
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12 year old malt for me; got about 8 bottles stacked up in case of a drought.
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Young lads are in love with 'roids. Seems to have replaced the craving for alcohol.
The young are drinking less than they used to, largely because of social media/online gaming. They spend more time on smart phones/computers and less hanging out on street corners drinking cheap cider. Its still high of course, but like you said, its going down.