Government adopts another Labour policy, hooray!

15 Nov 2005
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This Tory government must be one of the worst governments we have had in decades, how they keep getting voted in is beyond me..
So lets look at the facts, the Tories have cut the Police force by about twenty thousand, and now they are saying they are going to increase the numbers and we are going to pay £700m for their incompetence, you couldnt make this sh1t up, its pretty much same as what they did with the prison officers, cut them to the bone and then made a big fanfare that they were going to increase the numbers, (and hope that people are too stupid to realise that they actually cut the numbers a few years before)......we need a change, lets sweep these idiots away and get Corbyn in, for the many not the few JC4PM
Yes its all the current governments fault isn't it. Looking at crime rates per population it paints a different picture.


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Yes its all the current governments fault isn't it. Looking at crime rates per population it paints a different picture.
Recorded crime. Why bother reporting it if he police don't investigate.
"People who need the police are giving up calling 101 because of waits of up to THREE HOURS
Nearly a QUARTER of all calls to the 101 police line in Greater Manchester were abandoned in June, with callers waiting an average of more than 12 minutes before giving up" https://www.manchestereveningnews.c...ews/police-101-telephone-call-delays-13412604

"Met Police to stop investigating some 'low-level' crimes in response to £400m funding cuts"
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Recorded crime. Why bother reporting it if he police don't investigate.
"People who need the police are giving up calling 101 because of waits of up to THREE HOURS
Nearly a QUARTER of all calls to the 101 police line in Greater Manchester were abandoned in June, with callers waiting an average of more than 12 minutes before giving up" https://www.manchestereveningnews.c...ews/police-101-telephone-call-delays-13412604

"Met Police to stop investigating some 'low-level' crimes in response to £400m funding cuts"

Made worse by the police not having the right priorities and wasting time on things like internet trolling and the hurt feelings of snowflakes, instead of investigating actual crimes.
If only he practiced what he preached.

In the Labour party, he wants the few socialists, not the many moderates.
Its not what he wants, its what the members want, and the members have unanimously decided they want the party to move back to the left from where it came, the party has been taken over by tory lights, and now the members are saying we have had enough, we want socialists to lead us, not tories wearing a red badge, that is why the members are trying to deselect what you call moderates...
Its not what he wants, its what the members want, and the members have unanimously decided they want the party to move back to the left from where it came, the party has been taken over by tory lights, and now the members are saying we have had enough, we want socialists to lead us, not tories wearing a red badge, that is why the members are trying to deselect what you call moderates...

Thats your opinion, but I believe its misguided.

Labour has attracted members that are socialism fans not Labour voters.

The new members that love the socialist ideology may be saying we have had enough.

What counts is what the 12 million Labour voters and floaters think

Although Corbyn did well in the 2017 election, his conversion of votes to seats was pretty poor.

What will count is not whether the members want a socialist party, its whether enough fed up Tory voters can stomach voting in a socialist party.
You seem to be of the Blair persuasion.

That is - say anything you think will please the people so they will vote for you,

rather than stand on your principles and beliefs and risk losing.
the May persuasion.

That is - say anything you think will please the people so they will vote for you,

rather than stand on your principles and beliefs and risk losing.

Remind me, what did she believe until the day after the referendum?


There will definitely not be a General Election in 2017.


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