Hand prints on metallic paint

5 Sep 2007
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United Kingdom
Due to our growing family, and all the paraphernalia that entails , we need to get a bigger car, as the boot space is no longer big enough.

So I need to get our current car looking it's best. It's in good nick except for some hand prints that my son has managed to leave on the bonnet! We were never the best at washing the car so there was probably little protection to prevent the staining.

Normal washes don't remove the hand prints , so we need something a little more aggressive.

I thought about using T-cut metallic. Would this be the best thing to remove these marks? Or would I be better using a coloured polish?

Thanks for your help!
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T-cut is good , but not to much, polish over regular , this way potential buyers cant complain that its had a major repair, not that u should hide anything from them either way
If it is a greasy mark, you might find you can wash it off with stronger car shampoo. Put a bit on a soft sponge and rub to and fro (never round and round) over the mark. Always give the car an ordinary shampoo wash and thorough rinse afterwards. The advantage of this over T-cut is that it doesn't abrade away the surface, which can show at edges or swage lines if you go through the top layer, and the buyers will be able to tell you've done something.

You may have to do the whole bonnet if the cleaned patch is strikingly cleaner the the rest of the panel.

I sometimes use this method (with a very soft paintbrush) for the very dirty parts like where the hinged side of the door shuts, or under the bonnet. Ordinary washing doesn't clean in here. You must rinse thoroughly. Don't use ordinary household cleaners as they may attack the paint or metal.

BTW I get a super shine (with no polish) by washing it using softened water and shampoo, hosing off, then giving a final rinse with a couple of buckets of softened water again. This avoids most watermarks and the dull finish that lime can leave (I live in a very hard water area). Obviously not an option if you have no access to soft water :(
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Thanks John.

I intend to attack the marks at the weekend. Can you recommend a stronger type of car shampoo to use?
I use Mer which is very good (comes in a blue plastic 1-litre container) and instructions for use are different, but Turtle and other brands should be fine. I mean the liquid shampoo in a plastic bottle, where you normally put half a capful in a bucket of warm water. Beware of not getting it fully clean, or the "polish" will seal in remaining dirt. You can wash the car twice if it is very dirty, this will avoid any missed areas. I actually wash with a very soft hand brush (as used with a dustpan) rather than a sponge, but you must be sure the car is free of mud and grit first, or it will be scratched.

I mean, for the very dirty areas, not that you use a stronger shampoo, but you use it mixed into a mugful, rather than mixed into a bucket of water, so that it is more concentrated.

Buy a bottle or "Armorall" which is very good for rubber or plastic parts and puts a good shine on them, after you have finished cleaning it.

If you want to spruce it up, call "Chips away" who will invisibly paint in stone chips and supermarket scratches at your home for a modest fee.

p.s. despite all the above, I am very lazy and don't clean cars or bikes often. but I did last week!
autoglym silicone resin polish is one of the best on the market,it will mask over light swirl marks as well,may be worth giving the whole car a going over,t cut went out with noah on the ark,there are far superior products around,autoglym is available from halfords
Thanks guys. I will try the shampoo first and if that doesn't work I will go for autoglym.
I had this issue, lil kid had the stuff that they use for painting the white lines on the football pitch on his hands & it kinda clouded the surface,

I used a mild abrasive compound (Rubbing compound) from the auto store, then T cut then wax ..... GONE :D

A lotta rubbing required tho ....... Not good for the tennis elbow ......... Lil Burgher ;)
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