health kick

15 Apr 2005
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United Kingdom
Does anyone know how good cycling is for one's health? I tidied the shed out yesterday, and discovered my bike, which i haven't read practically since i learnt to drive 2.5 years ago :eek: Its a good bike too, 21 gears, so i plan to start riding it more now summer's here, going on 10-20 mile rides etc. I have put on a few pounds recently, would this be a good way to excersize and loose those few pounds? :LOL:

What other activities are good for one's body, for someone who doesn't like excersize? :LOL:
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Belly Dancing
Body Building
yes very good for you, and a nice way to get around!
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crafty1289 said:
Thermo said:
yes very good for you, and a nice way to get around!
which? swimming? or body building?


I suggest YOU do not do any thing dangerous like cycling or swimming as you seem to have the memeory life span of a gold fish :rolleyes: ;) :LOL: :LOL:
splinter said:
I suggest YOU do not do any thing dangerous like cycling or swimming as you seem to have the memeory life span of a gold fish :rolleyes: ;) :LOL: :LOL:
care to back that up with a bit of evidence? :eek:
It was just a observation crafty,
You wrote a post about cycling , thermo recemended it ,then.....well read you're next post after Thermos. :)
I was trying to be comical and implied that Thermo was referring to pitbull's pictoral suggestions, because obviously belly dancing and body building are not exactly the best ways of getting around!!! ;)
Eating beefburgers and Mars bars is the best way to get round.

Contracting dysentry will shed a good few pounds in no time at all, with minimal effort or straining ;)
I reckon cycling would be a great way to lose weight. I don't have a pushbike but I give it some welly on an exercise bike about 3 times a week at the gym and am steadily losing weight as well as being fitter than I have ever been before.
swimming and sex (not at the same time!)

If you are starting to cycle again, make sure you stretch and work up slowly to bigger distances.
Swimming is best if you're starting to exercise again as you're less likely to strain yourself or stiffen up.
I would suggest cycling in Yorkshire is an excellent way to exercise. I have tried walking up some of them hills, and if you can do it on a bike, fair play to ya.
Fratton sPark
I remember your another thread , ,


only when a GP says obviously

Im going around our local park ....3mile
next sun morn ....

OMFG yikes
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