How about a face and a name to your user name?

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Strange. Not a peep from the fantastic four. Still, I suppose we shouldn’t really expect any of those to break cover - a key requirement for a true keyboard warrior has always been complete anonymity. :LOL:
The latest pic of me, I’ve put on a bit of timber recently. I’ve been doing lots of small jobs at work rather than loads of digging so I’m missing my exercise :mad:

I usually have my eyes open!!
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Strange. Not a peep from the fantastic four. Still, I suppose we shouldn’t really expect any of those to break cover - a key requirement for a true keyboard warrior has always been complete anonymity.
Only a total tw at would put any identifier of themselves, family or friends on the internet in general unless voluntarily or through necessity.

And that's especially true in forums that contain trolls and stalkers and needlers!
Only a total tw at would put any identifier of themselves, family or friends on the internet in general unless voluntarily or through necessity.

Some of us have nothing to hide but each to their own. Funny thing is, you never saw anyone on speakers corner spouting their beliefs, anonymously, from behind a computer screen. Real men. (y)
Some of us have nothing to hide but each to their own.
Ah, that old ignorant ideology.

But hey, whatever floats your boat.

Funny thing is, you never saw anyone on speakers corner spouting their beliefs, whatever they were, from behind a cardboard box. Real men.
What about 'real women'?

Oh that's right :rolleyes:
The usual contradictary nonsense
Show us where that statement is contradictory.

To most people it would be self explanatory, but obviously that concept is too tricky to grasp for some.

And I wonder how many people have put pictures of their kids online, or allowed organisations such as schools or scouts etc to do so without permission?

When kids reach the age of 18 then they can do as they please, but before then it is not (imo) a parents right to post what is effectively 'without consent' being they are minors up to that point.
And once up on the internet it is there forever!
Some of us have nothing to hide but each to their own. Funny thing is, you never saw anyone on speakers corner spouting their beliefs, anonymously, from behind a computer screen. Real men. (y)
I was wondering how long it would be before you used this thread as a dig at others.

It's not about cowardice, about being a real man or whatever it's about choice. You want to put your mug and name up, good for you. I don't have any social media in my real name - why would I? I prefer to stay safe.
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