How are your potholes?

Rainbows are actually circular.

If you are at a height where the ground is not in your field of vision, you see more.
And upside down rainbows are not actually rainbows
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Haven't they been "levelled up?"

Rishi looked at a hole in Darlington in 2023. I expect it's been mended by now.

He's wearing his Bob the Builder boots.

View attachment 340382

I've seen much worse holes round here.

They obviously do good pies in Darlington.
Are they looking for something?
ideas ✨️ or Rishi is giving a solution.
Have any of you done anything off your own back to help the situation?

I have an idea .

Every pothole starts from one little lump of tarmac coming loose, then another, then another, and so on until we have another pothole.

If we all spat our chewing gum on to the road. One bit of chewd gum could find little lump of tarmac and the pothole never gets off the ground.

But it requires us all chewing gum and spitting it on the Road.

I've been doing my bit for years.
Use 'em for homeless shelters.

A bit o' tarpaulin o'er top, lined wi' cardboard.

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An acquaintance of mine has sent a birthday card to the 2 year old pot hole outside his house

Addressed to
Pot Hole in ***** Lane
c/o The Mayor *********** Borough Council
I was amused when Rishi praised Tory councils. ;) I recollected a Tory councillor driving a reporter around showing him the potholes and complaining he can't afford to fix all of them.

Holes in austerity maybe? Privatise them. Actually I wonder if some aspects have been. Years ago there were so many problems with rogue tarmacers that at a cost the council would do it, drives etc. Often cheaper. B'ham until recently were doing work on tarmac footpaths. Also more major roads.

Potholes when they are repaired. I use a moderately narrow Roman road from time time. They use cold cure stuff. It doesn't survive either the cold or rain.
Potholes are a sign of failure, backlog stands at £16.3 billion (, trying to patch up bits of the failure isn't a long-term plan.

Quote from their report "We are in a state of managed decline, and we all know that throwing money at patching and potholes doesn’t provide the best value for money"
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I couldn't believe what I was seeing when I went along a particularly bad stretch of road into the local town. Part way through theres a newly erected 20Mph sign and local council have painted rumble strips across which go along not only the proper surface but down into the bottom of the potholes
I just assumed that the potholes were there to make third world migrants feel at home.

They're so big in Bristol, even the potholes have got potholes. All the useless council does is paint white lines around them, which eventually fade and need to be repainted. Yet they still have taxpayers' cash to spaff on a woke MGBGT gay rainbow zebra crossing at the top of Union St.

I must look like I'm driving permanently sozzled, forever swerving to avoid suspension wrecking holes in the road - some inches deep. Wherever I go in the world, I always thought the roads were a good barometer of how a country is run. We're rapidly sliding down, and I don't even think we could ever catch up with the massive backlog of road repairs needed.
I couldn't believe what I was seeing when I went along a particularly bad stretch of road into the local town. Part way through theres a newly erected 20Mph sign and local council have painted rumble strips across which go along not only the proper surface but down into the bottom of the potholes

Maybe potholes are actually intended as another traffic-calming measure? :idea:

Bit like an inverted sleeping policeman. Very effective, and cost nothing to install. Win win!
Wherever I go in the world, I always thought the roads were a good barometer of how a country is run. We're rapidly sliding down, and I don't even think we could ever catch up with the massive backlog of road repairs needed.

Only to be expected if you have a government that doesn't value public services.
Maybe potholes are actually intended as another traffic-calming measure? :idea:

Bit like an inverted sleeping policeman. Very effective, and cost nothing to install. Win win!
Thats what we thought but then going to the expense of actually creating rumble strips which were unnecessary as the potholes were doing the job, its not as if the strips
would remain after road repair cos most of the yellow would be filled over
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