how can supposedly free thinking people be so biggoted

12 Jul 2004
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United Kingdom
to me you a criminal/rapist/mugger/good guy/ bad guy because you are
how can inteligent free thinking people think otherwise??
a person is bad because they are bad and for no other reason
how can anybody tar a whole group off people by the actions off a few its both stupid and fairly childish
you get good an bad in any group your experiances with any group will usually be with a small fraction off 1% or at best a small percentage so how can you form an opinion off a whole culture/group/ society /race/ religion/on such a small sample

remember the vast majority are quiet so don't get noticed so how can you form an opinion on vast majority when you know nothing about them
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What sparked this off All?
All very deep for a Friday night.
What sparked this off All?
All very deep for a Friday night.

several threads on several forums where logic seems be left behind on several subjects "in the heat off the moment"
whilst understandable it doesn't make it right
the choices are slanging matches or introduce some facts as i see them to try and help people form there own opinions from as near to fact as possible rather than unhelpful rantings
What sparked this off All?
All very deep for a Friday night.

several threads on several forums where logic seems be left behind on several subjects "in the heat off the moment"
whilst understandable it doesn't make it right
the choices are slanging matches or introduce some facts as i see them to try and help people form there own opinions from as near to fact as possible rather than unhelpful rantings

most sorts of conflict leaves the facts at the front door, like a pair of muddy boots... for example a car edges out of a junction forcing another car to take evasive action... the effected driver says "what do you think you're fooqing doin'?" the other driver forgets that he drove badly and his testosterone kicks in.."yeah? you were goin too fast n0b ed?"... and from then on, they both believe they're right ...

Any argument develops this way, whether it be relationship stuff, or political debate... rarely are facts actually discussed. Unfortunately on this site, the norm has become the 'put down' and belittling. Nothing will ever get solved on a forum like this...
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i think discussion is fantastic as you say people "forget" what doesn't suit them and get entrenched into there views and thoughts without listening to others
What bugs me most on here is the chinese whispers effect, or the twisting of words that happens ... the angry mob that rule this site will quite often respond to a post, not with a facts, but just slating you saying "you're a pathetic loser, and it's obvious you support the BNP or EDL"...
What bugs me most on here is the chinese whispers effect, or the twisting of words that happens ... the angry mob that rule this site will quite often respond to a post, not with a facts, but just slating you saying "you're a pathetic loser, and it's obvious you support the BNP or EDL"...
we are all entitled to our point of veiw i want everybody to be heard my thought are my problem as are your thoughts are your problem :D

what people often forget is problems in one area do not exist in another
fr example i have many friends from all over the world with only good and positive experiences
i also over 30 years in surrey have only locked my doors when on holiday without problem i often have left my front door physically open and ajar overnight with my windows for days on end
i realise in other areas it would be armageddon with such lapsed measures with the tv and lap top gone within the hour :eek:
the point i am making is its a regional/area specific thing where people will assume there problems are country wide where as they aren't
to me you a criminal/rapist/mugger/good guy/ bad guy because you are
how can inteligent free thinking people think otherwise??
a person is bad because they are bad and for no other reason
how can anybody tar a whole group off people by the actions off a few its both stupid and fairly childish
you get good an bad in any group your experiances with any group will usually be with a small fraction off 1% or at best a small percentage so how can you form an opinion off a whole culture/group/ society /race/ religion/on such a small sample

remember the vast majority are quiet so don't get noticed so how can you form an opinion on vast majority when you know nothing about them

Derren Brown proved that you can influence a person, to commit a crime, at short notice, if you live in that scenario 24/7, with triggers within your life, then you will commit crime, and feel that crime is a right, rather than a crime. And you won't suffer any consequences.

The alternative is to have boundaries with your children, punish them, but the Government removed that barrier. So kids stood up, and said what ya gonna do? Parents, nothing...hence feral kids.

The law should be give the kids a smack, remove all their elecronic eqiuipment, a cerfew of 8pm, treat them like the criminal they are, but the problem is, is that many of the parents have been through this stage.

I was in a situation recently, where a lad was riding round on a little moped, no helmet, and the staff from this carpark said, thats dangerous, but this woman stood up, and stated, he's my grandson, leave him alone, he's done nothing (apart from riding illegally), and threw loads of abuse, and continuued to shout, and make abuse, as she walked away. There is no reasoning with people, people are set in their ways, she could not see that if her grandson fell off the bike he was riding with no helmet, he could have died.

It seems the same with people that have been caught speeding, or D&D, well, I was only 30 over the limit, why are you arresting me? But then get off on punitive sentences?
we can all be impressionable when young i was
but i had a good upbringing
it still didnt stop me when i was about 12 or 13 going into a closing down sale where there was a a meccano motor and 8 gear gear box costing 12 shillings and 6d there was another smaller motor 4 shillings and 6p
i didnt have enough so paid for the big one and put the smaller one in my pocket

now iff my mum or dad new i would have had a good hiding
things have moved on so much now that i am sure in some households your would boast to your parents that you nicked something and get a well done its only a small item to rich company :eek: :eek:
i didnt have enough so paid for the big one and put the smaller one in my pocket

You should`ve put the dearer one in your pocket and paid for the cheaper one - then asked for a discount cuz the shop was closing , probably because half the stock had been nicked :mrgreen:
a person is bad because they are bad and for no other reason

Yes, but the point that is often made on here, is that if you belong to a certain group you are more likely to be bad.

Nothing to do with being bigotted. The statistics are there in black and white.

Just my two penneth's.
Yes, but the point that is often made on here, is that if you belong to a certain group you are more likely to be bad.

Nothing to do with being bigotted. The statistics are there in black and white.

Just my two penneth's.

i think we have to keep in mind that in some areas peoples moral compas is different and with every generation the right and wrong is moving more and more from the cohesive society
people are acting less as an honest hard working society and more what can i get out off it for me without caring for the society we live in
now thats enough talking about the banker and super rich :eek: :eek: :D
The word BIGOT is thrown about on this forum far too often IMO, abused infact.

Mr 'A' has an argument/discussion with Mr 'B'.
Both strongly believe in what they are saying, yet Mr 'A', having exhausted all his attempts at converting Mr 'B', resorts to the old chestnut..........BIGOT. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Yet in reality, he's a bigot himself by the very definition.
I tend to find people who abuse this word are the worst offenders of true bigotry.
It's all b*llcks. :LOL:

Fed up with hearing the word.
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