How fast does gravity travel???

The question should be tweaked. How fast do gravitational fields travel. Our galaxy appears to be orbiting a black hole with huge gravitational pull. If that black hole suddenly collapsed in on itself and disappeared, how long would it take for our earth to change direction. Assuming there was some kind of bang and flash when it went pop, it would be about 55 million years for the light to travel here.

Newton says its instant, Einstein says speed of light. I suspect both are wrong due to the effect the mass would have on the curvature of space.

Now on to the equally interesting subject of Dork's embedding intellectual property in his billionaire friends patents and designs. is a thought provoking idea, that triggers an idea, that creates something unique and of high value embedded works? Possibly.
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If you have space in you book case and time to read then start at LIGO

Kip Thorne came along to open our Gravy waves laboratory! :)
Does the question make sense?

do gravitational forces travel?

The gravitational pull of the earth, is everywhere, I don’t think it travels anywhere.
The gravitational pull of the earth, is everywhere, I don’t think it travels anywhere.
The gravitational force of the earth may be 'everywhere' when it comes to our everyday experiences.
However, when you consider spacetime, every object with mass has a gravitational attraction to every other.
It's just, on our local level, the mass of the earth dwarfs the interactions with spacetime that all our human scale objects have.
On the galactic scale, with many more massive objects, the effects on spacetime are more pronounced and demonstrated by effects such as 'gravitational lensing'.
...and it has only been relatively recently with the advent of laser interferometers and experiments Such as LIGO, that we have been able to detect disturbances in spacetime from gravitational waves (created by events such as black holes colliding).
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He's a f#kk1nG $billionaire, flew in on a private jet, stays in a 5* London Hotel, ignores me for 48hrs, then turns up on my doorstep with his entourage at 10.00hrs.

He's pushing some very nice salad around his plate with his fork while he's telling me "I own 1000's of patents, I've created drugs that have saved millions of lives & I did all of this because you once said "How fast does gravity travel".
I sometimes wonder if there are any millionaires and billionaires on this planet whose lives you have not touched or inspired in some way. Putin perhaps?
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Mike was a high flying super intelligent astrophysicist with a super ego, but he was brought down to earth by gravity
Gravity is one of those things that go on for ever. Do a sum on the earth and it generates some degree of a gravitation field at all distances from it. It probably drops to zero at infinity. Some math works out like that. Gravity waves are disturbances in local gravity as far as looking for them is concerned.

Actually measuring the speed of propagation of gravity would be tricky. Create mass from nothing and measure how quickly it propagates.
Newton says its instant, Einstein says speed of light. I suspect both are wrong due to the effect the mass would have on the curvature of space.
Interesting area. Sums are done on galaxies and the universe etc and something is found to be wrong. Not enough mass to make the numbers work so start looking for dark matter to make the sums work. Already had dark energy due to sums not working.
Me & the current Mrs Lord were treated to a very fine luncheon this afternoons by an old skool chum of mine who happens to be visiting his elderly mum from his base in California during this unusually combined period of sunny weather & Wimbledon tennis.

He's a f#kk1nG $billionaire, flew in on a private jet, stays in a 5* London Hotel, ignores me for 48hrs, then turns up on my doorstep with his entourage at 10.00hrs.

He's pushing some very nice salad around his plate with his fork while he's telling me "I own 1000's of patents, I've created drugs that have saved millions of lives & I did all of this because you once said "How fast does gravity travel".

I do remember that day in Mr. Valentines chemistry lab & I do remember the conversation that spawned me to ask the group "how fast does gravity travel"???

My $billionairre friend tells me that his quest to quench the thirst of his curiosity, began at the that very moment in time.

So, does DIYNOTs know how fast does gravity travels????
You could give Jeffrey Archer a run for his money.
Newton says its instant, Einstein says speed of light. I suspect both are wrong due to the effect the mass would have on the curvature of space.
Einstein would still have you covered there I think. The speed of light is relative to the local frame of reference, which includes gravity. But we're going beyond my Physics knowledge.
Gravity isn't a force according to Einstein. It's the result of mass bending space time. He wonders about not feeling any weight in free fall and concludes that acceleration of a body has exactly the same effect as gravity does. Variation on the lift shaft thought experiment. Constant speed, falling and accelerating in a gravity field as observed by the person who is in it. Some external person shooting a bullet through it gets mentioned as well - that goes in a straight line as far as the external observer is concerned. If the lift is travelling at some constant speed the person in the lift will see a different angle. If accelerating the path in the lift will appear be curved as far as they are concerned.

:) Another Horizon came up with years ago. A person on a platform being pulled by a truck or train tossing a ball in the air and catching it. Forget side effects. As far as they are concerned the ball is going straight up and down. An external observer who is stationary is watching. The ball doesn't appear to be going straight up and down. This one was when BBC could only have BBC2 providing they educated people. Compare with the crap we get these days.

Bending space time. Tricky, usually demonstrated with a round sheet of rubber fixed along it's edge. Put a heavy weight sphere in the middle and it distorts. A lighter smaller sphere can be launched into orbit around the heavier one and it behaves like an object orbiting in a gravity field.
Bending space time. Tricky, usually demonstrated with a round sheet of rubber fixed along it's edge. Put a heavy weight sphere in the middle and it distorts. A lighter smaller sphere can be launched into orbit around the heavier one and it behaves like an object orbiting in a gravity field.
On the galactic scale, with many more massive objects, the effects on spacetime are more pronounced and demonstrated by effects such as 'gravitational lensing'.
And the Eddington expedition 1919
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