How The papers convince the public and push their opinions

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1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom


The newspapers write a story to fit the opinion they want to push and then try to find the news to fit it.

The Doctor goes onto to explain how they are fishing for opinions.

So the Newspapers find someone who is abusing the welfare system and continually push that so their readers believe that everyone who is on benefits must be abusing the system.

They take the extreme cases and push them as being mainstream.

The health tourists who use the NHS - its a insignificant issue - less than a quarter of 1% but ask their readers and they would say its crippling the NHS so they must end the NHS and go to a private insurance based system.

Its why you get people who hate everyone except the billionaires -

on benefits - must be scroungers, not paying in
using the nhs - fat munters who don't look after themselves,
immigrants - taking our jobs,
poor pensioners - scroungers who never contributed,
on low pay - lazy who can't find better paying jobs,

Billionaires and super rich - well they pay their taxes and they spend money and don't take out of the system. Based on debunked trickle down theory.

What about footballers? How has the immense wealth of football trickled down to the workers? Well the prem clubs still employ people on minimum wage to do the cleaning, stewarding etc- strange how they money hasn't trickled down to them.
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Always remember when a reporter called up a place I worked at years ago. It was a story about our director, they called my boss. I literally went like this:

Reporter: Would you say that Tim is a great bloke to work for?
Bob the Manager: I would never say it like that no
Reporter: ha ha. Bye

Next day, newspaper article says: "Bob, one of Tim's managers, say's that he is a great bloke to worth for".

The only reply you should give to a reporter if you don't want to be misrepresented is "no comment". Hanging up is probably the best option.

They are all lying fecks.
Can it be possible that mass media push their own message onto readers?


Yes it can.

And the likes of the Guardian and Independent don't? Albeit in a more subtle way.
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Lies? Untruths. Post them.

That is a false equivalence. Thats Trumpesque argument, bad people on both sides.
Lies? Untruths. Post them.

That is a false equivalence. Thats Trumpesque argument, bad people on both sides.

You don't have to lie or publish untruths to further a narrative.

For instance how about the Guardian, conflagrating Brexit with the reissue of new Blue passports, which would cost £500m ?

Almost as bad as the famous bus slogan.
we do seem to be a bit short of evidence of examples.

Come on, RWRs, don't be shy.

Surely you can match mine? Try your worst twenty or thirty for a start.


The newspapers write a story to fit the opinion they want to push and then try to find the news to fit it.

The Doctor goes onto to explain how they are fishing for opinions.

So the Newspapers find someone who is abusing the welfare system and continually push that so their readers believe that everyone who is on benefits must be abusing the system.

They take the extreme cases and push them as being mainstream.

The health tourists who use the NHS - its a insignificant issue - less than a quarter of 1% but ask their readers and they would say its crippling the NHS so they must end the NHS and go to a private insurance based system.

Its why you get people who hate everyone except the billionaires -

on benefits - must be scroungers, not paying in
using the nhs - fat munters who don't look after themselves,
immigrants - taking our jobs,
poor pensioners - scroungers who never contributed,
on low pay - lazy who can't find better paying jobs,

Billionaires and super rich - well they pay their taxes and they spend money and don't take out of the system. Based on debunked trickle down theory.

What about footballers? How has the immense wealth of football trickled down to the workers? Well the prem clubs still employ people on minimum wage to do the cleaning, stewarding etc- strange how they money hasn't trickled down to them.

You need to grow some balls and don't be so gullable.
They were on about this on the radio the other day , i.e journalists putting there own narrative on a story ;)

the case they disscussed was about some polish immigrant who got killed a good while back by a gang of youths out side some pizza place

TV crews , journalists invaded the area and pushed the racist attack story and the brexit narrative :LOL:

all ball cocks they only listened to what they wanted to hear ;)

As far as I recall a few be** ends in here (usual suspects) pushed the same narrative :LOL:

incidenatlly the bloke was killed by a non white person and it had nowt to do with racisism or brexit said so in the inquest

although racist remarks may have been made to those who carried out the attack ??? ;)
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They were on about this on the radio the other day , i.e journalists putting there own narrative on a story ;)

the case they disscussed was about some polish immigrant who got killed a good while back by a gang of youths out side some pizza place

TV crews , journalists invaded the area and pushed the racist attack story and the brexit narrative :LOL:

all ball cocks they only listened to what they wanted to hear ;)

As far as I recall a few be** ends in here (usual suspects) pushed the same narrative :LOL:

incidenatlly the bloke was killed by a non white person and it had nowt to do with racisism or brexit said so in the inquest

although racist remarks may have been made to the perpertrators that instigated the attack ??? ;)

I went to the candle light vigile. Hijacked by a couple of black lefties and their cronies spilling their sh¡t and hate.... Got it totally wrong. As did James O"brian. People like these need to held responsible for their hate fueled words
And the likes of the Guardian and Independent don't? Albeit in a more subtle way.

Well we all get drawn to the paper that supports our papers are preaching to a converted audience.

My wife gets me a Telegraph every Friday, free courtesy of Waitrose and I usually get another paper, independant, guardian, times once a week.

I find it rather weird but because I grew up with the Telegraph, I find that more natural to pick up, even though I disagree with a fair bit......and these days its become quite tabloid in its lack of factual reporting.
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