Hows Boris doing?

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31 Aug 2005
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United Kingdom
So as we touched down tonight my phone pinged.. just in time for Boris to give me an update on what he's been up to the last few days, reiterating the 'fresh injection' of cash into police recruitment, the NHS and reiterating leaving on 31st.. there's no doubting that one now i think. (and yes i know the 1 billion is a p1$$ in the ocean to sort out the issues with the NHS and yes the cuts in police and reinvestment wont recover quickly due to the recruitment process)

He also announced changing the rules on immigration to help new scientists onboard here and work on the Nuclear Fusion project going on which he hopes to make us a world leader.

Now what is refreshing is his commitment here, if you check back to my 'if you were PM' post, one point on my list was to give the country regular 'checkins' updates on what is going on.

Well i have to say so far he's delivering. There's been no fooling about or joking, he's been actively pushing for improvements, and whilst i know alot of us (under half of the uk hah) don't want Brexit, no matter what, he's off the fence May and Corbyn shared for so long and is pushing forward in a definite direction with gusto and determination.

So far i like what he's doing.
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Ah!!! Fusion .....
A mate worked on the project in the 80's before moving to Grenoble
JET is the Joint European Torus and has hundreds of European scientists and relies on €60million a year from Europe. It will run out of funds in 2020

From what Boris says, you'd wish that the Tories had been in power for the last ten years and that the extra funding (which isn't new money) will be sufficient to put back some of the funding of the NHS and police lost in the cuts over the last ten years
Hmm. Politicians and their promises. By the time people realise they're just politician's promises and a few years will have passed by with few of them actually achieved. By that time, the politician has reserved their place in history, got the PM pension and are well on their way to richly rewarded directorships and the worldwide speech circuit. Like Blair and Camoron. Promise the world, do little and leave things worse than you found them.

But people can't resist the shiny new politicians who promise to wash whiter, and fall for their promises every time.
From what Boris says, you'd wish that the Tories had been in power for the last ten years and that the extra funding (which isn't new money) will be sufficient to put back some of the funding of the NHS and police lost in the cuts over the last ten years

Agree 100% on police cuts in funding, I can't find anything that confirms the nhs budget has had 10 years of cuts, do you have a link to this information.
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Hmm. Politicians and their promises. By the time people realise they're just politician's promises and a few years will have passed by with few of them actually achieved. By that time, the politician has reserved their place in history, got the PM pension and are well on their way to richly rewarded directorships and the worldwide speech circuit. Like Blair and Camoron. Promise the world, do little and leave things worse than you found them.

But people can't resist the shiny new politicians who promise to wash whiter, and fall for their promises every time.
I agree and that's the fundamental flaw in our political system no accountability or intention on long term goals because noone is around long enough either due to cabinet reshuffles or general elections. Politicians should be held to account over decisions in running our country.
Well i have to say so far he's delivering. There's been no fooling about or joking, he's been actively pushing for improvements, and whilst i know alot of us (under half of the uk hah) don't want Brexit, no matter what, he's off the fence May and Corbyn shared for so long and is pushing forward in a definite direction with gusto and determination

Boris has certainly been pushing forward: hoovering up Brexit party voters.

And his policies like 20,000 police officers......campaigning for a general election.
Boris has certainly been pushing forward: hoovering up Brexit party voters.

And his policies like 20,000 police officers......campaigning for a general election.
Such a cynic :p
Hmm. Politicians and their promises

Boris promised to stop tube ticket office closures when he was campaigning to be mayor.
Then he became mayor and closed them.

Boris said he would lie down in front of the bulldozers at heathrow.
But he didnt

This is what we should expect when the US bends us over and cuts a trade deal. These slaughterhouses are an abhomination.

Cleanup at the slaughterhouse is as dangerous as it is repulsive, and the immigrants who do the work are under pressure to complete it faster than ever.

“That’s the cost of American consumers wanting cheap protein and the meat and poultry industry demanding huge profits.”
I can't find anything that confirms the nhs budget has had 10 years of cuts
Since 2010 the average rise in NHS funding has been 1.2%
(In the previous decade it was 5%)

But inflation has mostly been above that rate...

And given that we have an ageing/rising population, then in real terms funding has indeed been cut.

Or in the simplest of terms, NHS funding per person has been falling!
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