How's your luck with Premium Bonds?

27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom
As per the title. And yes, I am aware there are other forms of 'investment' which bonds are not about. Neither is this thread. They're just instant access fun money. So, how have you done this month?

Feel free to disclose your 'stake'. Looking the official figures of the top prizes, most of the big winners are holding quite a few but I suppose that if you are, you have more chances of getting lucky.

Mrs Mottie and I have the full allowance going into the February draw from this month on.

Good luck! (y)
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£25 each for me and Mrs Mottie this month. Next draw in 10 days.
How's your luck with Premium Bonds?

Over the last year or so, about 1% in prizes, as expected.

Since this is lower than inflation, and since inflation is on the up, I plan to cash them in, rather than allowing their value to be eroded
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Over the last year or so, about 1% in prizes, as expected.

Since this is lower than inflation, and since inflation is on the up, I plan to cash them in, rather than allowing their value to be eroded
That'll be your last post in this thread then. (y)
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Prepare yourself for more disappointment.


"Consumer prices, as measured by the Consumer Prices Index (CPI), were 5.4% higher in December 2021 than a year before" and services.-,Inflation,to 6% in April 2022.

So £100,000 in PBs lost £5,400 in value in a year, before prizes.

I hope your pleasure is adequate compensation.
That’s not good as I’ve got that amount in them currently, while I decide what to do.
"In mid-December, the Bank of England forecast the CPI inflation rate to remain around 5% over the winter before rising to 6% in April 2022."


25 for me and zero for my husband.
Btw, this thread is quite meaningless if members do not disclose the amounts they hold.
However, I am aware that someone with the minimum holding can win the big prize but still would help
if indications of holdings were given.
"In mid-December, the Bank of England forecast the CPI inflation rate to remain around 5% over the winter before rising to 6% in April 2022."


And what has that to do with your luck in the premium bonds? I too could post off topic shyte in threads you start but I've resisted. So far.
That’s not good as I’ve got that amount in them currently, while I decide what to do.
You could go and see a financial advisor. Better still, take advice from some bloke you don't know on a DIY forum who has appointed himself a financial expert. :rolleyes:
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