
20 Nov 2009
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United Kingdom
Have lurched increasingly toward authoritarianism as there hard line PM assumed emergency powers cracked down on political. Opponents and sort conflict with the rest of the EU

Parliament passed an act that allowed him to rule by decree indefinitely
Also measures reflected in other Eastern EU states Poland Bulgaria

An EU effort to force Hungary to comply with rule of law was watered down

As he threatened to veto the eus budget plans
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What the Hungarians are now realising is that there is no such thing as a free lunch.
When they joined the EU and took the money they should have known that the the cost of all that money was their sovereignty.
The Visegrad 4 nations are a little oasis of sanity in a mad Europe. They're determined to resist the sinister plot to flood Europe with swarms of aliens. These nations still have their own cultures, traditions and identities and don't want to ditch them for inferior ones. Like we are doing.

Leaders like Victor Orban are protecting their people from the dangers of mass immigration of people who don't share their native values. Contrast this to our cowardly, treacherous 'leaders' who can't wait to sell us down the river.

[Cue howls of outrage from offended liberal luvvies.]
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....the sinister plot to flood Europe with swarms of aliens.....
I thought you were not supposed to reveal your identity. Isn't it a secret society! I thought the rules were:
The Tin Foil Hat Society adopts a military command structure
A commander in the societies name is "OptimumGolem3", but no other information is given
Numbers are never revealed
tin foil hats must be worn at all times

I'm suspecting that the founding members were you, Gasbanni and transam. You all share similar attitudes and ideas.
So often when looking at any of your posts (yours, Gasbanni or transam's) invariably the other names appear at the bottom of the page as similar topics.