'Hurricane' Higgins makes comeback!

2 Oct 2006
Reaction score
United Kingdom
And I thought he was dead! :eek:

A hurricane will be blowing into Killarney after Alex Higgins confirmed his entry for the inaugural Six Reds World Championship later this month.

Higgins, who won the 15 red world title in 1972 and 1982, is among an international field for the first World Championship staged under short form rules.

He joins fellow Crucible champions John Higgins, Stephen Hendry, Shaun Murphy and Ireland's Ken Doherty, who believes Higgins will add a bit of spice to the tournament.

Doherty said: "It's great having Alex in the event. He's a legend and still a big favourite with fans.

"The excitement level will certainly go up now he's entered.

"Alex still plays and will be giving it his best. The crowds love him and I'm sure they'll turn out to support him.

Higgins, now 60, is one of snooker's best known and most controversial stars. He earned the 'hurricane' nickname because of his fast, exciting style of play.

His life and career is the stuff of sporting legend and he remains a big draw on the exhibition circuit.

Among the other top players taking part are Mark Selby, Neil Robertson, Ali Carter and Mark Allen.

Six reds snooker is played using the same rules as the established game but with nine fewer reds. It has been described as snooker's version of Twenty/20 cricket.

The World Championship runs at the INEC in Killarney from December 15 to 18.

The 160 players from as far afield as Brazil , India and the United Arab Emirates will be split into 32 groups of five for the round robin stage, played over the first two days, with the knockout phase getting underway on the 17th. http://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/03122009/58/hurricane-higgins-makes-comeback.html
Mind you, looking at this photo he's not far off....!!!!


Real character of the game though. Would like to have seen him play live.
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I genuinely thought he was dead as well. Last I heard of him he was living in a shed in his wife's garden and they had to call the police when he got out of order one night. Clearly didn't invest his winnings very well :rolleyes:

After this comeback I think there's a good chance he'll be downgraded to Alex 'tropical storm' Higgins (if that)... Brilliant player when on form, though. Easily the most exciting man in the game during the '70s.
I played him many years ago at our local British Legion club.

He arrived with his own balls in a carrier bag, emptied them on the table, gave them a wipe and we were off.

All the top club players had played a competition to get the chance to play him and I was one of the lucky ones ... Or so I thought :eek:

He gave everyone a 5 black start (35 points) on the condition that he always had the break ... Yup, you've guessed it ... He potted a red off the break most times and, in my frame, then went on to make a 65 break.

I potted a couple and then let him in ... He cleared the lot, frame time of 10 minutes!

Quickest thrashing of my life and I was one of the best local players :LOL:

He played all the planned lot and then played anyone else who wanted a crack at him ... He kept going as long as people bought him drinks and eventually left the club at 02:00.

Despite his arsey behaviour in competitions (which I put down to the competitive edge all top sportsmen have), he was a total gent at the club and won over everyone who met him.

Certainly made me re-assess my capabilities ... I took up golf not long afterwards ... I now want a crack at this Tiger fella ;)

Not quite the same ...

I wanted a crack at Tiger but, from what I've heard, Tiger wants a woman's crack :LOL:

He's looking really fit, though. Must be a pupil of the Georgie Best school of health science :rolleyes:
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