I think the bus driver lost it.

This topic always brings out the thuggish and psychopathic nature in people. If that cyclist was closely related (son) to you would you want them killed or maimed to satisfy your emotions ?.
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The main reasons for the reactions are simple, cyclists flout the laws of the road, ignoring red lights seems to be the favourite. They think they have as many rights as other road users but pay nothing towards the roads upkeep, nor indeed the special cycle lanes all over the city, which i as a non cyclist pay for out of my council tax on top of the road tax i pay for my car.

And bus drivers think they are God, the attitude seems to be, i am bigger than you so get out of my way, or i am running behind schedule because i stopped for a fag three stops ago and now it's your fault i am late, therefore i will pull out whether it is safe to do so or not.

Nothing wrong with Bristol, the traffic will always be slower here, mainly due to the amount of tractors on the road ;)
The main reasons for the reactions are simple, cyclists flout the laws of the road, ignoring red lights seems to be the favourite. They think they have as many rights as other road users but pay nothing towards the roads upkeep, nor indeed the special cycle lanes all over the city, which i as a non cyclist pay for out of my council tax on top of the road tax i pay for my car.

I believe you don't know what you are talking about. :rolleyes:
Cyclists should be banned from the road in peak hours. They just get in everyone's way.
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The bus driver deliberately and knowingly hit him, should be attempted murder no matter what you think of cyclists.

I remember someone saying 10 years ago, if you want to kill someone, do it with a car, that way you won't get charged with murder, still true today.

Cyclists should be banned from the road in peak hours. They just get in everyone's way.

Is there anything you don't think should be banned or controlled ?
Bristol bus drivers are the most miserable bunch of b*st*rds I have ever come across. They're almost always sullen, rude, ignorant or a combination thereof. They drive aggressively without a care for other road users or pedestrians. Cyclists can be be just as bad at times...
I reckon the cyclist deliberately threw himself under the wheels of the bus just to get the driver in trouble!
The bus driver deliberately and knowingly hit him, should be attempted murder no matter what you think of cyclists.

I remember someone saying 10 years ago, if you want to kill someone, do it with a car, that way you won't get charged with murder, still true today.

Cyclists should be banned from the road in peak hours. They just get in everyone's way.

Is there anything you don't think should be banned or controlled ?

Not much. Are you a dopey cyclist getting in everyone's way?
How can I get in anyone's way when I own the road?

you are in my way by default :cool:

Just remember that lot's of kids ride bikes, I wonder how many of you would be joking if it was a 13 year old?
It wasn't a 13 year old - it was an aggressive tw*t looking for trouble.
Nice to know the bus driver could identify the age of the cyclist from behind.

Having actually seen a kid run over by a driver who though he owned the road, I can only see one **** in this thread.
Bristol bus drivers are the most miserable bunch of b*st*rds I have ever come across. They're almost always sullen, rude, ignorant or a combination thereof. They drive aggressively without a care for other road users or pedestrians. Cyclists can be be just as bad at times...
Eastbourne ones are worse - followed by the taxi drivers . When I go there occasionally , I make sure I **** them off - by driving slowly round roundabouts where I have the right of way in front of them :mrgreen:
Wonder what happened before they came into focus of this camera?
The cyclist is trying to hold up not only the bus but all the traffic behind.
Also, when the bus tries to overtake the cyclist moves to counter the manouver.
Obviously the cyclist is the road menace.
Should have ran over the cyclist, then reversed ! (just to make sure).
Or perhaps just ban cyclists from all the roads.

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