Idiots protesting in London


17 May 2012
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United Kingdom
I really don't get these people. It's OK to have an alternative opinion, but why do they feel the need to cause mayhem and attack the police?
Trafalgar Square protest: Conspiracy theorists clash with police at anti-lockdown demonstration

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have a search for QAnon to see the arguments these nutters believe.

Thats what you get when the liars are winning, ie Trump
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similarly idiotic to the other recent protests , when covid was at it’s peak.
that was fine though eh?
They should have kept the water cannons that Johnson bought when he was mayor

Sanctioned there use under emergency powers
Water cannons with an indelible dye has always been top of my list for breaking up rioters. Anyone later found to still have dye on them is nicked and charged as appropriate.
Water cannons with an indelible dye has always been top of my list for breaking up rioters. Anyone later found to still have dye on them is nicked and charged as appropriate.

Like breaking up illegal house parties.
If the lurgy has been passed around, breaking them up will distribute it further.

There is some logic in kettling the buggers in for a fortnight (or bussing the buggers to a secure tent in a field somewhere, surrounded by razor wire:mrgreen:), and letting them either ride the lurgy out, or prove they don't have it(y)
similarly idiotic to the other recent protests , when covid was at it’s peak.
that was fine though eh?

Any protest that breaks social distancing rules is not fine, but many of the protests that occurred over the summer were well organised and safe though with PPE and social distancing. Walking in line with masks on outside is nowhere near as dangerous as shouting spit without a mask.

I’d love to see the police completely ignore the XR protesters who glue themselves to roads & doors.
Just leave em. Don’t let anyone go near them. Just wait till it rains or they need the toilet! Funny how they don’t protest or blockade embassies of high polluting countries though.
Walking in line with masks on outside is nowhere near as dangerous as shouting spit without a mask.

Me going for a bike ride, run, or walk across the Chase is also safe as houses (I rarely see more than half - a-dozen other people, and they were at least a good few yards away)....... won't stop it being liable for a fine though, when the Westminster lackwits issue the next "stay at home!" edict......
Yeah, that's a pain. Some rules are silly - telling people not to go out cycling on their own makes no sense.
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