Inexperienced amateurs land £14million government contract, hurrah!

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15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
I think I'll put a bid in to build the next London Airport. There's lots of money in this caper, negotiating with the sort of government whose chief of negotiations resigns because he doesn't support the deal he's agreed.

"Concerns have been raised over the readiness of a British firm contracted by the government to run extra ferries in the event of a no-deal Brexit.

Seaborne Freight was awarded a £13.8m contract this week to run a freight service between Ramsgate and Ostend.

The firm has never run a ferry service and a local councillor said it would be impossible to launch before Brexit.

The government said it had awarded the contract in "the full knowledge that Seaborne is a new shipping provider".

The Department for Transport said that "the extra capacity and vessels would be provided as part of its first services".

"As with all contracts, we carefully vetted the company's commercial, technical and financial position in detail before making the award," it added.

Conservative Kent county councillor Paul Messenger said it was impossible for the government to have carried out sufficient checks on the firm.

"It has no ships and no trading history so how can due diligence be done?" he asked.
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It's prudent government telling us they are a safe pair of hands.

I wonder what the apologists might say.
How many aircraft did Freddie Laker own when he got a contract to be part of the Berlin Airlift?

How many ships are actually owned by the companies who operate them?
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Aren't there a couple of aircraft carriers (without aircraft) that could be drafted in?

£3bn a pop, so surely a bargain (y)
Im most put out, my bid was turned down even though I own a dingy.

Seaborne freight has the same registered office as a Maritime law firm. The brother of that firm is a major Tory donor (Chairman of JCB, a Lord).
Since when has the the local councillor become an expert in maritime freight management?
Im most put out, my bid was turned down even though I own a dingy.

Seaborne freight has the same registered office as a Maritime law firm. The brother of that firm is a major Tory donor (Chairman of JCB, a Lord).
A maritime law firm. By the sea? How strange!
My registered office is the same as about 200 others who use the same accountancy firm. It’s just an address.
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