So we've recently been starting to get hassle from a maniac neighbour who has been among other things, throwing used tampons from her balcony into our garden. She's an absolute clatty animal so we've decided it might be worth installing outdoor cameras front and rear to catch her in the act or hopefully dissuade her.
We have a little plug in wifi camera in our front window which works well I guess but really I'm looking for recommendations on well regarded cameras, hopefully in the region of £150 (if this is too cheap for a good system then let us know) not including install.
Power wise, is it better to have them mains connected or battery powered and are there any features I should be on the lookout for and make sure is included?
I need it to be able to film in good night vision mode because I'm assuming the filthy f***r is doing this at night.
We have a little plug in wifi camera in our front window which works well I guess but really I'm looking for recommendations on well regarded cameras, hopefully in the region of £150 (if this is too cheap for a good system then let us know) not including install.
Power wise, is it better to have them mains connected or battery powered and are there any features I should be on the lookout for and make sure is included?
I need it to be able to film in good night vision mode because I'm assuming the filthy f***r is doing this at night.