
20 Nov 2009
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United Kingdom
Blimey that Barry Gardener MP , Labour spokes person ;) for some thing ? was on the Radio last night

One of his constituents who was a diabetic asked him if he will still be able to get insulin come Brexit next year.

barry said that he could not say :eek: blimey could be thousands of diabetics snuffing it due to this brexit caper :eek: Tis all the fault of the rabid quitters who are pushing this country over the cliff edge .

The under taker / funeral trade could see an increase in business next year :idea: what with insulin and food shortages ect ect

Any one who currently has an allotment may well need to consider some type of security

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Theresa May is a diabetic.

And not connected:

Corbyn has an allotment.

Come to think of it so is Dianne Abbot a diabetic . Could well be curtains for them then.

Corbyn has an allotment . Blimey he had better make sure he gets all his veg in before March 2019 or it could go missing
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Come to think of it so is Dianne Abbot a diabetic . Could well be curtains for them then.

Corbyn has an allotment . Blimey he had better make sure he gets all his veg in before March 2019 or it could go missing

She's type 2.
She's type 2.
She just can't understand how she developed it. She said she " I have 3 balanced meals a day. 1,000 calories for breakfast , 1,000 calories for lunch & 1,000 calories for dinner , so just 1,200 calories a day shouldn't have triggered it."
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Look, if someone wants to be diabetic, either the common type or the posher type, it's a lifestyle choice up to them and I have no sympathy. I can also live with the Banking sector all moving to wherever leading to redundancies of pub staff and cleaning ladies, the construction industry shutting down from no labour, the crops staying in the fields unpicked, manufacturing grinding to a halt, no nurses, no UK planes being allowed to fly over the EU, infested chicken from a US trade deal, border backlogs, crime epidemic, queues of lorries from Dover to Manchester, Spain getting Gibralter, Ireland getting the North, and Scotland getting drunk on freedom.

But now I've learnt that Brexit "could" affect the Grand National, then it's getting serious and that's it - we should have a new referendum.
Look, if someone wants to be diabetic, either the common type or the posher type, it's a lifestyle choice up to them and I have no sympathy. I can also live with the Banking sector all moving to wherever leading to redundancies of pub staff and cleaning ladies, the construction industry shutting down from no labour, the crops staying in the fields unpicked, manufacturing grinding to a halt, no nurses, no UK planes being allowed to fly over the EU, infested chicken from a US trade deal, border backlogs, crime epidemic, queues of lorries from Dover to Manchester, Spain getting Gibralter, Ireland getting the North, and Scotland getting drunk on freedom.

But now I've learnt that Brexit "could" affect the Grand National, then it's getting serious and that's it - we should have a new referendum.

Knew you would start to see sense one day !!!!!
One of his constituents who was a diabetic asked him if he will still be able to get insulin come Brexit next year.
Well there may be something in that...


"UK’s biggest insulin manufacturer building up four-month stockpile in case of no-deal Brexit...

Novo Nordisk building 16-week reserve to ensure UK patients are able to access medications which are entirely imported"

After that, who knows...

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