Is it me!

29 Jul 2011
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United Kingdom
or my imagination? I keep seeing people pull up in their vehicles
and not bothering to turn their engines off, and keep polluting
the air like its nothing these days. I was working across the road from
an infants school recently for a week and the number of cars not bothering to turn their engines off was staggering and it wasn't
even a cold day.
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Yeah. Have a house where it opens on the street and I often have to ask people to turn of their engines who have sat there for ages with cars running. Get a living room full of fumes in the summer when my windows are open, horrible. It's not even very good for the car.
It gets worse, they leave a child in the car with the engine running while they nip quickly into a shop. Apparently no one will steal the car if it is a quick nip to the shop.
or my imagination? I keep seeing people pull up in their vehicles
and not bothering to turn their engines off, and keep polluting
the air like its nothing these days. I was working across the road from
an infants school recently for a week and the number of cars not bothering to turn their engines off was staggering and it wasn't
even a cold day.
Name like “cat lad”it is probably you.
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Older chevrolets have an issue of dodgy starter motors . When they get hot and u go to restart it can give the same symptoms of a flat battery

So if it is me ? Well u will just have to put up with it and shut yer Windows . Sorry :)
Some people are ****a. If you want to make a difference tell them to stop idling when you get the chance, then you can pat yourself on the back for actually doing something about it.
So they were sitting in the car waiting with the engine on? Not in a queue?
I walk my kids to school on a morning and it's common to see cars parked up with the engines running (summer or winter!).

Was chatting to one bloke and some cheeky bastard had parked on his drive to drop the kids off, he couldn't get his car out to drive to work!.

Had my eye on a nice house on the same road but the school run traffic would have done my head in..
I walk my kids to school on a morning and it's common to see cars parked up with the engines running (summer or winter!).

Was chatting to one bloke and some cheeky bastard had parked on his drive to drop the kids off, he couldn't get his car out to drive to work!.

Had my eye on a nice house on the same road but the school run traffic would have done my head in..
We get all of the above issues here as well.

I worked with a chap who lived near the school, and he once asked someone to move from across his driveway, and the driver refused!

I frequently come across people waiting with the engine running, and cars parked near the corner of a junction on double yellows. One van even stopped on the corner as a group pf parents were walking their kids along the path, blocking their way across the junction. I had to guide my kids around it, loudly commenting how wrong the van was to park there.

Others park on the zig-zags near a crossing (can't wait for them to get done for this).

If you ask someone to move though, you risk a volley of abuse, so people don't complain directly.
Others park on the zig-zags near a crossing (can't wait for them to get done for this).


But when was the last time you saw Police or traffic wardens looking to enforce school area parking?

The only driving offence that exists nowadays is excess speeding via cameras

But when was the last time you saw Police or traffic wardens looking to enforce school area parking?

The only driving offence that exists nowadays is excess speeding via cameras
Saw one last year near the school, for a few days. Doesn't seem to make much different in the long run, as she just stood near the gates.
Saw one last year near the school, for a few days. Doesn't seem to make much different in the long run, as she just stood near the gates.

Don't hold your breath then!

Police numbers, amongst lots of other cuts have been done in the name of austerity. But obviously they do not affect crime rates or other offences and policing in general
I saw a guy in a small van today and he was sat in the van must have been half an hour with the engine running.
I thought the new vehicles where supposed to cut out
when they were stationary.
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