Is Tommy Walsh a builder? LOL

3 Sep 2006
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West Mids
United Kingdom
I've watched a bit of Tommy Walsh on TV at dinner times - purely out of curiosity. :oops:

But I must say, he just does not have a clue how to do much of what he is talking about, and you can tell he does not know how to hold the tools he is using.

He just strikes me as one of those gobby builders who knows it all .. "oh yeah love, we'll do this, do that , no problem bish bash bosh, , argh luverly job missus"

Is he a real builder aspiring to act or an actor playing a builder?

For one job, he had to install a new soil stack and instead of core drilling the hole for the WC branch, he explained calmly that "What we have to do is..." and then started bashing the bricks with a lump hammer. When all done and bricked back up, it was a right mess from the outside.

Another exploit in "dubbing out" stone walls, was to literally sling big trowel-fulls of mortar at the wall - and just in shot you could see it bouncing and falling off the wall!

Of all the other DIY programme builders, I think he is the one who would be laid off site first!
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he is a builder first then tv man. he has done some nice things on ground force
all he is is a diy w****r end of not a tradesman certainly not a craftsman.
dont make me laugh it hurts :oops:
I'm no expert on the things you mention, but I suspect he is showing DIYers how to do things on the cheap, as opposed to shelling out, for example, for renting a core drill kit. Is your average DIYer going to want to spend money on a tool they dont get to keep? No, they dont see it like that. They are DIYing to save money, they want to spend as little as possible. Bish bash boshing the hole is cheaper. He's showing how to do it safely and cheaply.

Im not sure I would be confident enough to use a core drill myself! And I'm a confident DIYer. Monsters they are! :LOL:

IMO, he knows his stuff. Did you see the bungalow staircase install? He had to build a porch extension on the front, assoc. roofwork, cut out a bit of internal ceiling, fit the stairs into place, cut a new doorway downstairs, do a lintel in that. His assistant Alan is a good worker too - a true Yorkshireman. I think. ;) :LOL:
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I have a customer who's son worked as the sound engineer on Groundforce and he reckons that the 'stars' ie Alan Tithead and Charlie (fatbum) Dimwitt spend all their time filming takes and drinking in the pub. The real 'work' is done by a gang of contractors who sit in the van until called upon. You don't think they really get finished in the dying seconds do you? It's all sorted hours before by the contractors.
I get the impression that what he says could be scripted or 'proper' tradesmen could tell him what to say. And the scenes can be re-shot if he says something wrong. And of course there are other workers in the background to do the bulk of the work.

But there is no escaping, no denying that when you see him use tools and work, its a dead giveaway that he is not a tradesperson, and some of his work and explanations are plain amateurish and poor.

Does anyone know his actual trade?
Yes he's a builder as was his dad. :rolleyes:
Bish bash boshing the hole is cheaper. He's showing how to do it safely and cheaply.

Like to see customers face if we Bish Bash a flue hole on a newly pebble dashed wall. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

To many carp diy programmes on TV. Everyone now thinks that everything can be done in a day. :evil:
like mentioned before he has done some nice things on groundforce.
I think he is a chippy by trade?
I know he's no bricky, as if you see on sky sometimes the "bricky" tool is being advertised for sale, and he is there and endorsing it, there has been threads on here about that, and all brickys know you might as well throw it in the bin
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