It's getting a bit warm here

Richardp said:
Well you can see in your minds eye cant you but anyway its a shame about politicians they just seem to lose the plot, power currupts and all that jazz remember the tories tho god thats scary.

Yes, free education and no anti-middle class discrimination... those were scary times! :rolleyes: Just so happens that Tory governance suited me a heck of a lot better than Labour...

When it comes to sleaze they're both as bad as each other, just the Tories didn't do as good a job of concealing it...

I will be interested to see what comes out of this whole Gordon Brown/Tony Bliar split possibility. Remember what happened when Redwood challenged Major? :)
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Ah, but ... That whole B B thing could be a massive scam, remember Tone is a lawyer and 'tother a Jock !! Maybe they are in total control, they are 'media mad' and masters of spin .... Keep the gutter press full of their 'rift', because of the Tory experience .. everyone believes this is the chin k in Labour's armour .... perhaps not !! If actually Jock backs Tone as much as a chancellor should back his PM ... then all those pages of vitriol will have been for nothing ... when they may have been more profitably used ... Liars and cheat are not excluded from being massively clever !!
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