Keyring Tags from insurance co

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
I used to get, on an insurance policy, keytags with a freephone no and freepost addess on them, so that if they were lost and found, the finder could return them and get a reward.

Does anyone know a company that still does these? The comany (Cardcare) that I use appears to have been acquired by an American company, and their tags now have an American-looking phone no on them and no address... which IMO means they are just about useless.
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If you have a chargecard with Marks & Spencer you can join a scheme (about £35 for three years) where you get key tags and stickers for your wallet, camera - anything valuable which you may lose - and can register all your cards, passport nos etc with them and they will notify all the suppliers if you lose them with your wallet/handbag/whatever.

My wife once left her handbag on a train when returning from visiting me in hospital and therefore a bit preoccupied. She had everything in it, cash, cards, keys. When she got home the 'phone was ringing. It was M&S to say her handbag had been found ! So the fee was worth every penny in terms of not having the additional worry of ringing the bank/card issuers etc.

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scottster said:

£5 per year

Don't like the look of that. The "order a fob" section asks for your bank details to set up the standing order but it isn't a secure site... :eek:

EDIT:Foolish boy, it's a form to print & post. How 90's... :eek:
Thanks for the tips! keep 'em coming.

It looks like the insurance companies don't do it any more, so I have to pay for the keys separately... more expense :(