Kill the Bill demo riot.

24 Dec 2018
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United Kingdom
Watched "protesters" climbing all over police vehicles.
Riot police in full protective gear formed a barricade in front of the station, but the officers didn't engage with the protesters at all.

They stood by as their shields and vans were daubed with graffiti - some of it profane and some of it hostile towards the police themselves and Home Secretary Priti Patel

Why did the police allow this.
Not suprised they got their vehicles torched.

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There are so few police these days that they are powerless in these situations.
Police need to get tougher... this left wing dribble is making the country a bunch of whoofters.
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"Policing by consent" its called. The rioters obviously don't consent to being policed, so they can do what they like.
It was the same with the Eco rioters a few years back, the anarchists before that and the actual looters before that.

There used to be a time when you could get whacked by a truncheon or batten, but I don't thing its allowed now.
They weren't peaceful "weak" female only protesters...

I really don't understand the police force, crowds like these should be shown the full arm of the law, not peaceful vigils.
Breaking skulls and putting people in hospital for attending a protest turned riot is a traditional English pastime, but even so it must get a bit samey.

My guess is it's less effort washing the riot shields than doing the paperwork.
Bristol seems to be a hot spot for left wing loons, think that is where they tore down all the statues ? (I wonder if the beeb will set up their northern headquarters there)
manchester is well south, typical completely out of touch aBBC
Disgraceful rent-a-mob culture. I really think in cases like this the police should be given free use of the baton to protect themselves and restore order. Obviously there will be the usual crew on here that come down on the side of the rioters but you can rest assured that they would be the first to expect help from the police if they or their property were ar risk. Feck me, they’re the first to complain to the mods if you call them a name or remind them of something they have said in the past!
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Does that apply to ITV & C4 too
ITV & C4 are independent organisations, I can fund them by watching their adverts if I choose - I'm forced to pay for the BBC and as such they should be totally impartial - which they clearly are not.
ITV & C4 are independent organisations, I can fund them by watching their adverts if I choose - I'm forced to pay for the BBC and as such they should be totally impartial - which they clearly are not.
I was talking about their presence in Salford, give some examples of BBC bias please, also have a gander at C4s structure
Disgraceful rent-a-mob culture. I really think in cases like this the police should be given free use of the baton to protect themselves and restore order.
Best you dust off your jackboots and get out there then and counter protest whilst supporting baton wielding police...

Unless of course you're too cowardly ;)

No-one should defend violent disorder, including myself.
(So don't shoot yourself in your jackbooted foot and try and claim otherwise)

But it was inevitable that something like this was going to happen when the state is enacting a law that effectively tries to prevent protest/dissent over any issue...

Do you support all the clauses in the police and crime bill 2021?
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