Kim comes to Beijing town!

15 Sep 2017
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United Kingdom
Yup Rocket man gets on a train.

Trump made a tweet that is almost statesmanlike:

For years and through many administrations, everyone said that peace and the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula was not even a small possibility. Now there is a good chance that Kim Jong Un will do what is right for his people and for humanity. Look forward to our meeting!

A tiny tiny glimmer of hope for the North Korean people.
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Well, not officially, of course not. But the Americans will be daft enough to believe he will, will then insist on checks to make sure he does, and then get surprised when he's crafty enough to evade the checks. That's the way the game goes.
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Oh yeah. They've been trying to get north Korea to back off for ages, and it's happened on Trumps watch. Trump will eventually get the credit, and Obama will look sick.
The only thing looking sick will the the environment under Trump.
Right-wing America (especially Fox News) is totally against Presidential contact with North Korea.

Right-wing America (especially Fox News) is totally in favour of Presidential contact with North Korea.


Your support for Kim gone wrong is duly noted.
Mitch chucking in his usual nonentities.
I was watching the local Rangers V Celtic match the other day. I am a Rangers supporter. Celtic won, but it did not change my loyalty to Rangers. :rolleyes:
However, mitch will claim that I am now a Celtic supporter because I recognised who won. :rolleyes:
Well after a great deal of consideration I have come to the following conclusions .

Kim il watsit will not be giving up his nuclear weapons ;) what else has he got :idea: he will have also have noted what happened to Gadaffi ;)


way r bee does display or give indications that he is not well , mentally :) although I must admit I am not an expert on mental health issues :)

but I all the signs are there imho . Paranoia ? abuse ? make believe with ref to fictious characters (mightyblob/gob/doggy) victim complex ?

my considered opinion any way :LOL:
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