Kobe Bryant

27 Feb 2017
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Apparently he was a famous basketball player who had just died in a helicopter accident. Until today, I’ve never heard of him. I had to Google him and apparently he had charges of sexual assault dropped in 2003 by a 19 year old woman who suddenly refused to testify. A subsequent civil case was settled out of court. Why is he so revered? No doubt those interested in basketball have heard of him but he's not what I would call an international sports icon. Plenty of people not interested in sport would know of sporting legends such as Muhammed Ali, Tiger Woods, Pele, Serena Williams, Usain Bolt etc. Why is he dominating the news this morning - he's even taking precedence over the Holocaust Memorial Day!
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yeah I must admit, Id not heard of him

I think American sports are full of bulls hit.
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I have never heard of him either

Not untill today anyway

That Kim il jung is a huge basket ball fan afaik

Not really into basket ball. Tbh

Have heard of magic Johnson
Globe trotters
About it really
Globe trotters
That just reminded me, I went to see them in London over 50 years ago. Only one I can remember was Meadowlark Lemon. He was always mucking about but I did see him get the ball in the net from well inside his own half.