LearnDirect Privatisation Paid 84% of income to Managers

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom

The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) thinkthank calculated that the company has received £631m of public money since its controversial privatisation. An FT/FE Week investigation this week found that in the four years since it was sold off, it parent company spent 84% of its income, most of which came from the taxpayer, on payments to managers and financiers.

The owners of Learndirect have some very serious questions to answer,” he said. “This should be investigated by the Public Accounts Committee, and if Learndirect goes down, government should seek urgently to reclaim as much public funding as possible from their irresponsible owners.”

Another one of Camerons Privatisations.

Its time we stopped the running of public services by Private Enterprises as its not value for money and in many cases like PFI bordering on fraudulent waste of public money.

This is not a Tory or Labour issue. We need to stop this.
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