Let NHS staff get infected

1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom

Consultant Mark Gallagher can’t understand why the NHS is not testing its staff for coronavirus

Mark Gallagher, a consultant cardiologist, is at home with a temperature of 38 and is pretty certain he has Covid-19. But the NHS will not test him for it. Instead, he has paid for a test kit from a private UK clinic and a colleague in China is sending him another.

“They are abandoning the basic principles for dealing with an epidemic, which are to test whenever possible, trace contacts and contain. Almost all individual physicians I know feel that what they are doing is wrong.”

Any takers why they are not being tested when they are exposed to the virus?
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Herd Community - The scientists let it slip recently then Boris had to correct him that it was not policy - The public can't be told the painful truth that we need healthy people to catch it to build up immunity.
Herd Community - The scientists let it slip recently then Boris had to correct him that it was not policy - The public can't be told the painful truth that we need healthy people to catch it to build up immunity.

Herd immunity stragey has been disbanded its back to suppress. It was policy based on incorrect models - yes the Government believed it could address this issue as a data exercise.

If we are still using herd immunity then why advise people not to gather, restrictions on flights etc. Why are we not putting people into Wmbley and having corona party?

“They are also solely intended to flatten the curve, when even a flat curve will kill thousands. These approaches would be an acceptable experiment if there were no alternatives but we have strategies from elsewhere that have been shown to work.”

Your doing everything in your mind to defend a debunked policy. Your triablism is so ingrained.

OK, this is a genuine question.
I will thank you for a genuine answer.
If you want to ascribe tribalism to me, that's your prerogative, but don't do it just to hide from giving an honest answer that doesn't suit you.

What is the purpose of vaccination ?
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Is this the setup to your gotcha question? The honest answers are all out there.

A way to prevent the spread of a disease, stops you from getting it and spreading it.
is it to build up immunity without having thousands of people die from catching the disease?

A genuine question for brig:

In what way is that different from Boris' "let it rip" scheme?
What is Johnson's "let it rip" scheme?
I can't answer you if I don't know to what you refer.

To let a disease run through the population, when there is no cure and no vaccine, until maybe 60% are recovered and have an immunity, and maybe 5% of the population have died.
To develop herd immunity, you mean?

You still do not know what herd immunity means.

"If the virus keeps spreading, eventually so many people will have been infected and (if they survive) become immune that the outbreak will fizzle out on its own as the germ finds it harder and harder to find a susceptible host. This phenomenon is known as herd immunity."

So you want people to die needlessly until the virus fizzles out. In that case why develop any vaccine? Why did we vaccinate for Polio? Your assuming that human can create antibodies without intervention, what if the virus mutates.

Yeah, I will take the opinion of you over the world leading scientists. Not
To let a disease run through the population, when there is no cure and no vaccine, until maybe 60% are recovered and have an immunity, and maybe 5% of the population have died.

Was that ever the plan? An official link would be appreciated.
Or was it the first phase of a staged plan? Again, an official link would be appreciated.
You still do not know what herd immunity means.

"If the virus keeps spreading, eventually so many people will have been infected and (if they survive) become immune that the outbreak will fizzle out on its own as the germ finds it harder and harder to find a susceptible host. This phenomenon is known as herd immunity."

So you want people to die needlessly until the virus fizzles out. In that case why develop any vaccine? Why did we vaccinate for Polio? Your assuming that human can create antibodies without intervention, what if the virus mutates.

Yeah, I will take the opinion of you over the world leading scientists. Not


To protect the individual.
To protect the population. Herd immunity.
There is no vaccine.
There may not be a vaccine in 18 months, let alone a widely - available one.
No vaccine is 100% effective.
There is no vaccine.
There may not be a vaccine in 18 months, let alone a widely - available one.
No vaccine is 100% effective.

There is currently no vaccine.
Which is why all the Scientists said social distancing - which again you argued against and now the UK is reluctantly implementing.
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