Let's NOT give £350m extra each week to the NHS! A better idea....

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
Theresa May: No extra funding for NHS after Brexit
PM tells NHS boss health service should focus on getting rid of £22bn deficit.
  • No extra money for NHS, Theresa May tells health chief

PM says service should focus on efficiencies to fill £22bn hole despite warnings hospitals close to breaking point


Well, I think we can all agree that's a total surprise...

...er, no!

Theresa May has told the head of the NHS that it will get no extra money despite rapidly escalating problems that led to warnings this week that hospitals are close to breaking point.

The prime minister dashed any hopes of a cash boost in next month’s autumn statement when she met Simon Stevens, the chief executive of NHS England, senior NHS sources have told the Guardian. Instead she told him last month that the NHS should urgently focus on making efficiencies to fill the £22bn hole in its finances and not publicly seek more than the
“£10bn extra” that ministers insist they have already pledged to provide during this parliament.

She told him the NHS could learn from the painful cuts to the Home Office and Ministry of Defence budgets that she and Philip Hammond, the chancellor, had overseen when they were in charge of those departments, according to senior figures in the
NHS who were given an account of the discussion.

Senior Whitehall sources have confirmed that Hammond’s statement on 23 November will contain no new money for the NHS, despite increasingly vocal pleas from key NHS organisations and the public’s expectation of extra health spending if Britain voted to leave the EU.

NHS Providers, which represents 238 NHS trusts, last week accused ministers of perpetuating “a bit of a fantasy world” on how well the NHS is doing after the worst-ever performance figures for key waiting time targets for A&E care, planned hospital operations and cancer treatments led to warnings that it was starting to buckle under the strain of unprecedented demand.

Health experts warned that the NHS would have to ration treatment, shut hospital units and cut staff if it gets no extra money soon.

Nigel Edwards, chief executive of the Nuffield Trust health thinktank, said: “If the government has firmly decided not to revisit NHS funding, this underlines that the health service faces four very difficult years. In particular, balancing the books in 2018 and 2019 when funding will flatline looks all but impossible with the current level of services.

“If more money from tax or borrowing is ruled out, the only choices left may be even less attractive, including reducing access and services, closures and reductions in staff,” he said.

also copied into the Sun
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If so many foreigners were not abusing the system things would be better. When my dad was in hospital waiting for his triple bypass there was two foreigners in his bay alone. He spent 10 weeks in the cardiac ward.
It ended up the nhs were so over burdened they couldn't perform his operation.
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A&E (and the ambulance service) is clogged up with drunks, clueless people wanting a plaster on a cut finger, and elderly and bewildered people who don't have anywhere else to go for help after 4.30 pm.
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Let's hope those two million British migrants don't try to come back.

Most of them are pensioners, so they'll have a variety of costly ailments. With May's cuts to NHS funding, and vast swathes of foreign doctors, nurses, assistants and carers leaving, we won't be able to cope.
I agree. Let's NOT give that amount of money to hospitals, it's squandered. Big money like that needs to be spent on investing in capital projects that last for decades and longer and generate growth - not squandared on 'the now' on fat bastards with stomach bands, people that can't handle their drink/mouth and half of the world coming over for birthing facilities.

I agree. Let's NOT give that amount of money to hospitals, it's squandered. Big money like that needs to be spent on investing in capital projects that last for decades and longer and generate growth - not squandared on 'the now' on fat bastards with stomach bands, people that can't handle their drink/mouth and half of the world coming over for birthing facilities.

Indeed - let's build the HS2 and maybe Sussex can loose a few thousand poxy commuters:sneaky:
I agree. Let's NOT give that amount of money to hospitals, it's squandered. Big money like that needs to be spent on investing in capital projects that last for decades and longer and generate growth - not squandared on 'the now' on fat bastards with stomach bands, people that can't handle their drink/mouth and half of the world coming over for birthing facilities.

thats all fine and dandy till you or a relative need treatment.

The 350 million never existed anyway so its not there to give away anyway.
The 350 million never existed anyway so its not there to give away anyway.

The EU doesn't run on fake money you know? It needs real funds from real tax payers to keep the bureaucracy going, and only a part of that gets to the actual projects it is destined for. The UK is a net contributor and whether you accept it or not the UK sends a huge amount of cash "there", getting some of it's own cash back through a rebate paid back some years later based on economic success. Yes, economic success, not social success. If ever you thought the EU was a socialist construct, and we're missing out - think again. However much the amount is (and it's variable), it should not be squandered on services for the now, it should be invested for the future (and I don't mean some house-building project)

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I'd happily pay a portion towards any NHS treatment to get a proper service, I know most people wouldn't.

What's supposed to happen is you pay tax and the government provides health care for everyone amongst many other services.

Besides empty my bins (if I'm lucky) I really don't know why I pay tax as all the services in my area are privatised. Underground is privately owned, so is the overground service, the water company I pay money to is privately owned, the electric company, the gas company, they are privately owned.. the mail service is now privately owned.. the council even contract out their responisiblites to private companies that are privately owned to save money lol...

yet I'm paying more council tax every year what for exactly?

See I think most people don't realise most of the money we pay is used by the government to pay their debt off.. but they never talk about that.

Doesn't matter which side you are on, all they ever can do is borrow more money because the banking cartels have most western nations over a barrel where that's concerned.. our country went bankrupt like 80 years ago... we are just paying off the interest
The EU doesn't run on fake money you know? It needs real funds from real tax payers to keep the bureaucracy going, and only a part of that gets to the actual projects it is destined for. The UK is a net contributor and whether you accept it or not the UK sends a huge amount of cash "there", getting some of it's own cash back through a rebate paid back some years later based on economic success. Yes, economic success, not social success. If ever you thought the EU was a socialist construct, and we're missing out - think again. However much the amount is (and it's variable), it should not be squandered on services for the now, it should be invested for the future (and I don't mean some house-building project)


Technically all money is fake.. that's what a debt is a ''promise'' to pay.. and it's not backed by a valuable mineral like gold anymore, it exists on a computer... modern day fiat money would not exist without electricity... think about that one :mrgreen:
A&E (and the ambulance service) is clogged up with drunks, clueless people wanting a plaster on a cut finger, and elderly and bewildered people who don't have anywhere else to go for help after 4.30 pm.

Mate that's what the NHS is for. If your missus lost a dildo inside her wouldn't it comfort you to know there's somewhere she can get it removed lol... anti-social drinking is really just drinking.. brits like a drink and people go to far and sometimes need medical attention.. that's why we pay tax FFS.. the problem isn't that stuff it's the amount of people we have needing the service + the fact the government is basically bankrupt and living on borrowed time.

All that rhetoric you hear from people saying there are timewasters abusing the service blah blah. they might be a timewaster but they probably pay fukcing tax and deserve a service for it. Don't blame the tax player blame the fukcing government.. blame jack straw for flooding this country with as many migrants as he could get his hands on since Blair got in if you must blame anyone.
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