Looking for a job while in a job

12 Apr 2011
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United Kingdom
Hi folks

I often hear employment experts say that it is always wise to keep an eye on the job market even if you are already in a job.

I can think of the following reasons for doing this:

1. To see if similar job roles pay a higher or the same salary for the same amount or less work responsibilities.

2. If there are roles available in a better location i.e. closer to home or easier location to get to.

3. If there are better job advancements in other organisations that require individuals with your, or similar, qualifications or experience.

4. More suitable working hours to fit around your other family commitments.

Are there any other reasons that you can think of for keeping an eye on the job market even if you are in a job?

Thanks in advance for your responses.
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I used to interview at my competitors regularly - its amazing how much of their strategy they will discuss.
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If you take a day off, reporting yourself as being sick, for an interview make sure your boss has no connection with the company giving you the interview.

Finding your boss on the interview panel does not bode well for your future employment.
to be prepared for being sacked for being less than devoted to your present employer..............

There's no loyalty these days. That's a bit of an old fashioned concept. Works both ways. Used to be that if you were in a job for decades employers valued that length of service. Now many will just think that you're a dullard who isn't ambitious or don't have any drive.

Anyone would have to be a mug to be devoted to their employers. Yes, there are still some good ones, but far too many who want you to bust a gut for minimum wage on a zero hours contract. Being an employee, unless you have some special skills that are in demand, is a thankless task these days. I have worked for myself for over 2o years, and could never go back to working for others.
Self employment..Best thing I ever did...Not dreading monday mornings is priceless.
to be prepared for being sacked for being less than devoted to your present employer..............

Anyone who is devoted to their employers in this day and age wants their bumps reading because employers are sure as hell NOT devoted to their employees.
My present position is that I am [shall I call it?] a couple of days over the "old" retirement age?

I work on a freelance basis for several organisations.

The way these companies use me is to call and ask if I am available for work, at this stage I say yes or no.

Why work at my age??? Because
A/. I like the challenges posed.
B/. Keeps the grey matter chugging.
C/. I am lucky I have a certain skill set that lends itself to this sort of thing.
D/. I want to continue to work, because I can?

Self employment..Best thing I ever did...Not dreading monday mornings is priceless.
Same here except I don’t work Mondays and only do 15 hours over the next 4 days between 12.30 on Tuesday to 12.00 Friday plus I get all the school holidays off. :mrgreen:
As has been said, there is no loyalty from employers, especially in large organisations where you are just a number to those higher up the tree.
I know of a bloke was employed to do a certain job. Because of his skills he was able to complete the daily tasks much quicker than the previous incumbent so found he had time on his hands. Rather than just waste his time mooching around 'trying' to look busy he took to doing small repairs of equipment that used to be sent out for repair. He was saving the company hundreds of pounds each month, not intentionally, he was just trying to keep busy and justify his wage each month. Granted he was taking work away from another company but their charges were ridiculously high compared to similar industries further afield.

18 months or so ago a new department boss started and questioned everyone about their roles in the company. i.e. Job position and what they were expected to do etc. This guy didn't mention the 'extras' he does so the boss thinks he just does the one task each week. Very early in the year he, (boss), queried something with the employee which led to a protracted discussion which was eventually sorted out by HR and written into his contract of employment. Boss man was not happy as he had be shown up to be a bit of a bully.

Fast forward to present day and employee is still under pressure from this boss who tries to find fault at every opportunity with said employee. Employee has now submitted a grievance but feels he is not getting a fair hearing because said boss is very pally with those above him. These people have never met employee on a face to face level but they have often walked past each other in areas like the canteen or car park. He is now preparing to take this to a tribunal as he expects the decision will go against him and life will become unbearable and untenable. That's how little those at the top of the tree think/know about those below them. It's only when people like this employee go somewhere else that someone else is likely to realise what an asset they had been.
Thought they had been banned since working for the company I'm at now.
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