Looting et al. in connection with recent flooding.

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Call me naive, but at the grand old age of nearly 41, I was shocked to hear on News 24 last night about looting of cars & theft from houses and also of people taking more than their fair share of bottled water.

The thieves must be lower than a snake's scrotum to even contemplate taking advantage of vulnerable folk at a time like this. However, having said that, it doesn't stop them in "normal" times, does it?

As for taking more than your fair share of water, that's plain greedy.

There should be a system where coupons are issued & you only get water if you have a coupon. It may not be foolproof, but it must cut down on abuse.
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Sad as it is (and I'm in the middle of it) it's human nature - take advantage of people at their most vunerable and hoard when commodities run low :(
Indeed. It may be human nature, but it is one of the more unpleasant ones.

I know we all have a survival instinct, but to take what you know is not rightfully yours (I'm talking about the water here) and know that you're leaving someone (possibly worse off than yourself) without is not a nice trait at all.
Speaking to someone in Cheltenham there is a lot of vandalism going on. They caught 2 kids ****ing in one of the bowsers, those lovable tinkers the sons of John guarded a full one with machetes whilst the little sons of John emptied it for themselves. Four men jumped out of a car with baseball bats hooked a full one up to their car and drove off..It's all going on.


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I regularly have to deal with "loss of supply" events in work. It's amazing how many people will take as much as they can carry - even if the water is only going to be off for a few hours. One guy came with one of those roll-along caravan thingys and two huge jerry cans, someone else had a heavy duty plastic bag inside a dustbin. Actually had one guy who had a bowser outside his house filling up his watering can and watering his borders.

It's like the fuel strike: People panic and horde - which leads to supplies/reserves getting used up quicker. Selfishness is one of the biggest social problems these days.
We live in an increasingly fragile society....

We are constantly only a few days from a complete breakdown of law and order, given a major natural/man-made disaster!
You are so right, ellal.....but hey, the City is leading the world in banking ...and the house prices keep on rising :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: Who gives a toss :?: :rolleyes:.....think back Box Basher .......did you vote for Th****er ;)........Sow the wind.......this ain`t even a breeze blowing
Nige F said:
think back Box Basher .......did you vote for Th****er :wink

Erm, not that I recall. In fact Thatchers Britain was in it's second year when I was born... ;)
Apparently shopkeepers are fetching water by the truckload to sell when the shortage is over. Tesco and the other supermarkets are giving the water for free - whilst the corner shop is stealing it to re-sell later. Just boycott corner shops in future.

Oh and in the USA they would have declared Martial Law and shot any looters.

We live in a very weak country and one day it will explode.
joe-90 said:
Apparently shopkeepers are fetching water by the truckload to sell when the shortage is over. Tesco and the other supermarkets are giving the water for free - whilst the corner shop is stealing it to re-sell later. Just boycott corner shops in future.
Where....and which 'cornershops'?...

But why do you think the supermarkets are taking a small loss because of their 'charitable' water distribution?...

Nothing to do with further elimination of the 'competition' of course?.... ;)
joe-90 said:
......whilst the corner shop is stealing it to re-sell later. Just boycott corner shops in future.

Bring back the Romans.....
have they not been declared disaster zones? If so then shouldn't the military be on hand to keep law and order? If order can break down so easily then we are in for a rough ride come the end of fossil fuel.
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