loud pc

8 Dec 2005
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United Kingdom
Hi my pc has just become very loud!
Was working fine and then started sounding similar to the sound that a toilet cistern makes when filling up!!
Was thinking that maybe its the cooling fan?
Any help would be appreciated

cheers si
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take the (as you look at it from the front) left side off and see if the fans are all clogged up with crap, or any cables have fallen into the path of the fan blades.
Is your ambient room temp higher than normal? thus the system fans will spin faster to cool it down.
its the fan inside thats noisy and not the one u can view from the back.
im not very up on the technical terms or what each fan actually does but is it a case of a new fan do you think?
i took it out and cleaned it up but its still noisy.
it is actually about 6 years old so i guess its just worn out?
its connected to a heatsink block and unclips from it.
its 70 mm across so will any fan fit or do you recommend replacing the whole lot?
will it fit in my tower or do i need to pay special attention regarding make and model etc?

cheers si
If its a standard 70mm fan thats say 25mm high with 4 screws (on in each corner) that attach it to the heatsink, then yes any fan of the same spec should suffice.
But, make sure you DO get the reight replacement.
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Hello, It sounds like the cpu fan if so be VERY careful removing and reinstalling the fan since processors around that age the core can be crushed, cracked or chipped if not careful!

Just one other thing - not sure if it is still the case but make sure you get the right connector on the fan. You will probably have a 3 pin connector on the motherboard giving you a black, red and yellow cable leading to the fan. If so make sure you get the same. The yellow cable is usually used for a sensor to detect rpm of the fan and if missing off the new fan you may get error messages coming up from the computer that the fan is not spinning...

Older computers had a two pin connector with just black and red and some used the molex connector (which feeds hard disks and CD roms as well) and is a big clunky 4 pin connector that comes straight from the power supply.

Hope this helps

It’s most likely 3 pin headers on the motherboard.
some thermal paste for your processor may help too. it may be heating up too much and making the fan spin too fast
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