Lympic bid.

24 Feb 2004
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United Kingdom
Lost cause or what ?
TV news last night .. 'We are close ...' Of course Johnny Onions has a brilliant stadium.. proven to work. Paris has, apparently superb, cheap public transport, Paris already working on other sites.
London .... Lord Coe, all teeth and bulging wallet ... What do we have ? Some poxy few screens of computer graphics, a filthy transport system .. a commitee earning a bob or two, flogging what should be a dead horse.
If there is any justice and not too many Euros' crossing palms, London has a s much chance of the premier sporting event as Ken the red leading the tory party to the next election !!

How 'kin mean can we get, here is one ASer making his getaway :-


One for the Sparkies, "one cable onleeee .." :-


Typical of the East End :-


Some Aussies extracting the golden fluids !!
:D :D :D :D :D :D
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london is the obvious choice.

good transport system, excellent roads. plenty of accomodation.

and ive got a horrible feeling they are going to give it to us........

to make us squirm......

jeeeeez...look @ the uk now...... as if we need the olympics.

i can remember as a kid reading "the emporers new clothes"

and witnessing it......
The Big White T*t (aka the Dome) did wonders for the Jubilee line... perhaps an Olympic prospect could result in a bit of dosh being spent on the underground. With noise levels above the 90dB mark and particulate levels exceeding safe limits, lord knows it could use it! I gave up trying to listen to my MP3 player on Sunday because I realised to drown out the tube I would need to blast my eardrums at full volume!

I find that the one thing that guarantees I will tidy my house is to have people coming over. Perhaps we need to have people over to our country to make sure that things get done and the place is cleaned up?

What would a Paris olympics be like anyway? A decathalon with ten types of apathy? Would they take the gold medal in shrugging? A relay with a baguette instead of a baton, where at each new runner the old runner gets to sit down and drink coffee out of a small cup? ;)

Of course, an Olympics between London and Paris is entirely feasible now, only problem is who gets the prestige? Petty arguments at every turn. :LOL:
I wonder if the scramble to host these games is taken in the spirit of what the games stand for rather than just for the money it generates?
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Could it be that nobody really wants to host the Olympics at all? The prestige would be nice but what about the cost?

And so we all put in our bids - because we can't be seen not to - but secretly hope that they won't be quite good enough. Does this sound vaguely like the Eurovision Song Contest?

Wouldn't it make so much more sense to build one permanent olympic stadium in Greece where it belongs. I passed this suggestion around our workshop and got the immediate answer, "But how would the IOC members collect their bribes?" He had a point!
I'd rather we hosted the Olympics than the Eurovision Squark Contest...At least the Olympics has some credibility and some class..
FWL_Engineer said:
I'd rather we hosted the Olympics than the Eurovision Squark Contest...At least the Olympics has some credibility and some class..
How can you say such a thing! Sandie Shaw will be turning in her grave (Has she popped her clogs yet? oops she didn't have any). :LOL:
kendor said:
FWL_Engineer said:
I'd rather we hosted the Olympics than the Eurovision Squark Contest...At least the Olympics has some credibility and some class..
How can you say such a thing! Sandie Shaw will be turning in her grave (Has she popped her clogs yet? oops she didn't have any). :LOL:

Ouch....Get ya handbag ready matey..the Hippies will have you for that one!! :LOL: :LOL:
No clogs and k nickers to match .... She wore them in her handbag.. allegedly.

oo roo ;)
pipme said:
No clogs and k nickers to match .... She wore them in her handbag.. allegedly.

oo roo ;)
Is that where the "Puppet on a string" comes from? ;)
I really hope we dont get will be a shambles, this country just couldnt cope.

Remember the dome.....the paint was still wet on new years eve, the channel tunnel...pfft!

2012....that would give us...lets see.....7 that works out to..6 years thinking about it....leaving a year to build......nah......definatly not enough time....remember the old Wembley mess?

The New Wembley is in trouble already....and you can bet your botom euro that when it oes open the ticketing system will go wrong.

And what would the new stadium be called....remember lovely Red Ken Livingston will almost certainly have a hand in b too surprised if something there gets named after 1 Gerry Adams....2 A South African civil rights activist..... 3 A famous Russian president.

Olympics in suprised a delegation of muggers arnt up there pushing it forward too.

And what will happen to the Olympic village after the atheletes move out?......i have heard that it is going to be designed in the shape of eastern europe, to make its next residents feel at home......know what im saying????

Leave it to the countries that are experienced at organised parties in breweries......not us.
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