M25 shut for weekend

If the system still works the same as it did in the 80s, then the company repairing the road will be given a fixed period of time to do the works and then reopen the road.

If they reopen the road late, there are penalties to pay. If it is reopened early, there is a bonus payable.
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If you had been asked, you would have told everyone you were GOING to sort it and then do feck all except hint at a raft of problems as to why you didn’t, wouldn't, couldn't just like your 2019 emigration failure.
Amazing how the old nasty troll wino still doesn't get it :rolleyes:
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Amazing how the old nasty troll wino still doesn't get it :rolleyes:
Get what? The fact that you said “After this post I shall be deleting my account”. And "I am done with this website in the same way as I am done with this country!” in 2019 but you are still here, posting? You’re right, I don’t get it. Please explain.