made some more enemies... oops...

This is the difference here..... if you smack your child because you're "so f*&*ing angry, you'd punch your way through a door or mirror" type anger... then that's wrong. if you have a hierarchy of discipline, with a word first, naughty step second, and a smack type situation last, then you find you 'very' often shout, 'quite' often put them on the naughty step, and only have to mention a smack, and they comply. And then if it's really bad, you smack them... but don't try to break bones or anything... obviously !!!!

I got smacked occasionally when i was a kid, and i remember the reasons too!!! i deserved it... didn't do me any harm !
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This is the difference here..... if you smack your child because you're "so f*&*ing angry, you'd punch your way through a door or mirror" type anger... then that's wrong. if you have a hierarchy of discipline, with a word first, naughty step second, and a smack type situation last, then you find you 'very' often shout, 'quite' often put them on the naughty step, and only have to mention a smack, and they comply. And then if it's really bad, you smack them... but don't try to break bones or anything... obviously !!!!

I got smacked occasionally when i was a kid, and i remember the reasons too!!! i deserved it... didn't do me any harm !

im the same with my 3 boys, the way my eldest is growing up(14)and in size 11 shoes already i think the next time i have to smack him hes goner kick my arris :cry: mind you im 6'1 so ive still got a few years yet(i hope).
its like world war 3 every day in my house with there constant arguing etc,im now learning to switch off completley,which is great coz it also means i havent got to hear the missus either ;)
but gregers, at 14, he's a young man ffs! you don't smack them after 9?
it's the discipline from 5 - 9 that's shapes them at 14...

ive come close,especially when the gobby git is being disrespectful and no ammount of bellowing at him seems to work,

then the blackmail starts,i:e no money/playstation/tele/computer/FOOD lol.
then he complies.
does make me laugh when you see other parents/children and the kids are running riot,and you get into conversation with them and it transpires they dont even tell the brats off let alone give them a clip when its needed.
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I also was caned at school as a child, from a very young age.
Too young IMO.... but... hey.

Lack of discipline in schools these days is a major factor in the reason we have scum on our streets now.

Never had to smack my children at all though.
I just used to raise my voice and that was enough.

Having said that........... I agree with most posters on this subject.

Then again watching a fat mouthy disgusting woman smacking the f*ck out of a little tot in the middle of tesco's, sends shiver's up my spine.

My 'Late' Dad used to line me and my 3 brothers up as kids, in a dead straight line, and ask..... "who did it" (When something was broken or went wrong)
We all knew who did it, including him i suspect.
Even when we were told, we would all be smacked unless we gave up the culprit, we stayed silent, rather than grassing on eachother.
They weren't nice smacks ......... Believe me.
He respected that.

Very difficult subject this one...............
My 'Late' Dad used to line me and my 3 brothers up as kids, in a dead straight line, and ask..... "who did it" (When something was broken or went wrong)
We all knew who did it, including him i suspect.
Even when we were told, we would all be smacked unless we gave up the culprit, we stayed silent, rather than grassing on eachother.
They weren't nice smacks .........
He respected that.

Very difficult subject this one...............

WOW!!!.. one of the most powerful messages i think i've seen intimated on a post on this site in all my time here.... i really hope you and your brothers are close nowadays !!!! and i hope you have respect for your dad...
Spair the rod, spoil the child.

No not an 11+ er . But a school that had a gripe of the curriculum way back then in the 70!s.
Had to do PE. maths ,english, geography history, french ,RI and the 3 sciences separate for first 3 years .

For 4th and 5th year for O level you had to do maths , english, PE . 2 sciences and either geography or history.
Then pick 2 other subjects from the 1 remaining science, RI, french and what was left out of geog or history.

Then the compulsory craft subjects for first 2 years
Art,woodwork ,metalwork ,cookery . pottery ,technology,needlework and home economics.
Dropping to 4 in third year
Which where woodwork ,metalwork technology and design which was mainly building fibre glass canoes and fancy furniture.

4th and 5th year was metalwork and car mechanics/technology

Imagine letting todays kids lose with circular saws ,band saws .lathes (wood and metalwork) bench drills and oxy acetylene torches or perhaps we should so they know what work is
Diydandy joke about Attention disorders is spot on
Worked in a house 7 year old kid quite inquisitive asking what tools did what.
pleasant enough and no trouble.
His dad goes to work within minutes he is stealing tools running about like a lunatic with his mother saying please sit down, she turns to me and says he has attention disorder and is on medication .
Then she loses it a bit and says right im phoning your dad.
kid sits straight down on his ass and shuts up

Disorder my ass a good clip round the ear is hat the kid needed

Not sure if you were being sarcastic or not, but ..........yes we are all still really close. We all drink together, like mates really. I think thats great for brothers to do.

My point (badly put) was agreeing with you and many other posters, on this subject.
You teach your child right from wrong, respect, values, in fact simple everyday decency.
And when they're older you teach them to fight for the right to defend their family,home, and property, upon being burgled by scumbags.
That sort of thing. :D

But it all goes pears...............Because most of the other parents don't seem to give a monkey's fu*k. Thats why we are all in this position of a scum society.

Bring back corporal punishment in schools (or at least some sort of discipline)
AND.....Bring back capital punishment for......well........THATS A WHOLE NEW SUBJECT.
Sounds like a good school, Namsag . I always think what if - with our old Chemistry Lab . Bottles of Concentrated Acids and Alkalis just sitting on the bench in front of us . An adult wouldn`t be let in the room now , unless in a chemical protection suit :rolleyes:
Yeah we used to sit and watch the delayed reaction after dipping a pen chewers pen in Nitric acid and watch there lips turn brown before it started to nip :LOL: :LOL:

Think thats where i got my liking for working with gas ... Joining up about half a dozen bunsen burners tiubes and burning someones ar5e sitting at there desk.
Todays Health and safety would go nuts at what was regarded as boys being boys within reason.

And we would not push our chemistry teacher too far. Called him by his first name in the playground once ,he waliked up chinned me with a proper punch and said its Mr ##### to you. Fair enough sir point taken
I had 4 kids 3 girls and 1 boy, never ever hit any of them, just said nowt down when the icecream man came round if they had been playing up. But I imagine in this day and age I could be accused of depriving them.
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