new phone

15 Apr 2005
Reaction score
United Kingdom
I ordered a new phone yesterday on O2 online. Well, i say online, i went to the shop, and the nice lady advised me that an online deal would be better for me. So we sat down, and she phoned someone and passed the phone to me. I gave all my details on the phone, that was it! :eek:

What confuses me nowadays is that they dont need a signature for anything. No forms sent to sign, not even for the direct debit and credit checking. How do they do this then?

Another amazing thing was that the phone arived today! I only ordered it yesterday! The bloke on the phone said to allow 3-5 days! :eek: It arrived within 20 hours!

Its the K800i, and it came bundled with a 512MB memory card. I was amazed by the size of the new Sony memory cards! 512MB on a chip the size of my little fingernail! They were making 512MB 3.5 inch hard drives a few years ago! :eek:


Now i've got to cancel my old contract with CPW O2, if they try to sell me a new phone, i have my excuse ready now!!! :LOL: And I didn't go with CPW O2 again because they put my number on all sorts of calling lists last time. I was with pure O2 before, and they didn't. Lets hope they still dont! ;)
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Keep an eye on the joystick button - Sony's are well known to have problems with it. My last phone was a Sony and the joystick packed up after 5 months, although it took superb pics I wouldn't have another Sony with a joystick.
gcol said:
Keep an eye on the joystick button - Sony's are well known to have problems with it.
HA! you're telling me! I got this phone to replace the K750i I had before. The stick would think i was pressing it in, when I was trying to push down . . . and other stupid behaviour, like the phone clicking randomly, in response to the pressure on the stick, but nothing happening on screen . . . :evil: driving me crackers, so thought i'd get a new one. I like Sonys, very stylish and functional (except the "joy"stick). ;)
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gcol said:
Have you not heard the saying "once bitten, twice shy"?
My friend got the same phone at the same time - the K750i. Her joystick still works! So I thought maybe my joystick was a fluke! :LOL: Oh well, it'll be under warranty for a year, so i'll just get a new one / repair if it does break within a year. I'll just get a new phone after a year anyway.

(I must add, her phone died recently when she threw it at the sofa, missed, and it hit the window. The screen bled. lol. how can you miss a sofa?!?! How big a target do women need???)