New posting criteria.

27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom
I see in a recent locked thread that the moderator has put up that poster for deletion on the grounds that "You have nothing to offer to a DIY site". Wow! Now if that logic was applied to anyone with less than 1% of their 10,000+ posts not being DIY related, I can think of one member who would be 'packing their bags' for real! :whistle:

MOD: well your extremely irritating feud with certain member on here is really not appreciated and I would strongly advise you decise from such behaviour. Same applies to the other party.
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So mods have the authority to ban anyone if they find them tiresome, even though they may not have broken any rules?

But others can post any old rubbish about what's going on, in say Afghanistan, or China and that's perfectly acceptable?
In fact some can post constant racially motivated comments, promote genocide and racially motivated hatred, and they're allowed to continue unabated.

MOD: Yes, you're up for a ban too. Time for some tough action.
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well the way I see if it was in here the general forum than I dont see how diy issues really come into it :confused:
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Sir G is not one of my favourite posters and we frequently don’t see eye to eye but personally, I didn’t see anything wrong with the post. It was a reflection on guns in US society and the link was about a school that had been designed to offer some protection to staff and students if a nutter went on the rampage with a gun. What was offensive about that?
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Personally, I didn’t see anything wrong with the post. It was a reflection on guns in US society and the link was about a school that had been designed to offer some protection to staff and students if a nutter went on the rampage with a gun. What was offensive about that?

seems to be par for the course in the states , these constant masse shootings :confused:
seems to be par for the course in the states , these constant masse shootings :confused:
Yep. And if they can’t or won’t ban guns, what’s wrong in posting a link about something that's been designed and built that may save lives? I think the moderator needs a chill pill.
Yep. And if they can’t or won’t ban guns, what’s wrong in posting a link about something that's been designed and built that may save lives? I think the moderator needs a chill pill.

u have a point
So mods have the authority to ban anyone if they find them tiresome, even though they may not have broken any rules?

But others can post any old rubbish about what's going on, in say Afghanistan, or China and that's perfectly acceptable?
In fact some can post constant racially motivated comments, promote genocide and racially motivated hatred, and they're allowed to continue unabated.

MOD: Yes, you're up for a ban too. Time for some tough action.
On the basis that the thread about visitors to EU, and visas, etc, has been deleted, and someone was embarrassed by posting false information. The two posters who exposed that person's false information are threatened with a ban.
I guess if posters feel the need to exploit their ability to ban anyone who embarrasses them, crack on, I say.
Unless it's because I've been constantly calling out someone's racism. But they're allowed to continue posting. In which case, crack on again. It'll prove beyond doubt that the site is endemically racist.
Sir G is not one of my favourite posters and we frequently don’t see eye to eye but personally, I didn’t see anything wrong with the post. It was a reflection on guns in US society and the link was about a school that had been designed to offer some protection to staff and students if a nutter went on the rampage with a gun. What was offensive about that?

If this is the end. Let it be the greatest of ends.

To paraphrase Leanardo last words

"I have offended Mods and mankind because my work did not reach the quality it should have."


MOD Far from it you're just plain dull.
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Exactly, he might be a nutter, but he's our nutter.

Such words of affection. Filly I never knew you thought so highly of me.

MOD: well your extremely irritating feud with certain member on here is really not appreciated and I would strongly advise you decise from such behaviour. Same applies to the other party.
Well, that 'certain member' can always put me on ignore like I have done to them but you know they won’t. They’re not on this DIY site for any reasons whatsoever to do with DIY.
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