Not sleeping well

30 Dec 2018
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Up North
United Kingdom
I'm not sleeping very well at the moment. Wendy is away for a few days, visiting her relatives in Edinburgh and our border collie bitch is obviously missing her. She gets me up once or sometimes twice per night to go out, despite my always insisting she goes out last thing. .

I watched a film in bed, through to 2am, with the intention of trying to lay in this morning, except again the dog insisted that I got up at 6am. Her latest trick to get me up when she wants to go out, is to reach up and twang the edge of the mattress binding with her paw - there is no ignoring that. She does a patrol round the garden, ending up sat at the front gate.

She (the dog) is sat on the recliner settee at the side of me now, me typing with just my right hand. She lifts my left arm up with her nose and likes to settle with my left arm around her. Try to ignore her and starts tapping you, to get your full attention. Look away and she starts tapping again.

Happy to say Wendy will back tomorrow and I can then get some decent, uninterrupted sleep again.
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Try to ignore her and starts tapping you, to get your full attention. Look away and she starts tapping again.
Lol. My dog does that if she's sitting next to me on the sofa. If she's on the floor and I'm watching the tv, she 'bounces' to attract my attention.
I was once bitten on the arse by a German Shepherd, but he apologised afterwards and even introduced me to his dog.
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Lol. My dog does that if she's sitting next to me on the sofa. If she's on the floor and I'm watching the tv, she 'bounces' to attract my attention.

This one, when she is on the floor, just rests her head on the seat at the side of my leg, puts her nose under the laptop on my knee and hoists it up in the air.