Notorious Trumpian neo-Fascist boasts of links with Tory hopefuls

15 Nov 2005
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Ex-Trump strategist Bannon targets Britain in anti-EU campaign

Mark Hosenball
4 Min Read

LONDON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump’s former political strategist Steve Bannon has been in contact with three potential rivals to British Prime Minister Theresa May and will make another trip to Europe in August, he told Reuters in an interview.

"Bannon said he had been in direct contact with Johnson and two other potential challengers to May: Michael Gove, who is still a member of May’s cabinet, and Jacob Rees-Mogg, a leader of an anti-EU Conservative Party faction.

The three are among the most prominent members of a section of the party which campaigned forcefully to leave the EU. "

"“Boris Johnson is one of the most important persons on the world stage today,” Bannon said. He described Johnson as “his own guy” and said he had “texted a lot” with him and spoken by phone with him during this month’s London trip.

Bannon said he had been in contact some time ago with Gove and had also been in touch with Rees-Mogg. The three represented a “deep talent bench” of potential anti-EU leaders for the Conservative Party, Bannon said.

Johnson and Rees-Mogg did not immediately respond to emails requesting comment on their contacts with Bannon. A spokesman for Gove said the British politician had once briefly encountered Bannon and that two meetings to discuss U.S. politics had been explored but never took place. "

Bannon has denied reports by his ex-wife that he is deeply anti-semitic.
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Certain politicians prefer Venezuela.

I doubt we will have a period of hyper inflation post brexit but I would expect a continued period of stagflation.

If all you have got left is whataboutery then we are truly effed.

Rees Mogg, Johnson, Gove have proven to be horrible ideologues and in the case of Johnson and Gove absolute crap at whatever they do.

I thought you didn't like neo liberal policies because all these three are huge proponents of them.
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yep that A.D. Hominem bloke gets around a lot ? probably a Russian :idea::)
O.K I get it now

So as to summarise .

Some bloke called Bannon who used to work for Trump (?) has been in contact with 3 blokes who are against staying in the E.U .

1) Boris Johnson

2). Michael Gove .

3) Rees Mogg .

O.K this is pretty serious stuff then ? A conspiracy has been un-covered ? Bannon-Gate :idea:

Is this Bannon in the pay of the Russians :idea:

What should we all do ? panic ? go into hiding ? ???????
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