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15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
well I seem to have got it

Had a really bad sore throat since Sunday, been feeling more and more grim, checked my temp before 6am today and it was well up so I used the online Pandemic site and got a prescription for Tamiflu

Have been asleep for a few hours and it does actually seem to be helping. The chest is bad, but not so bad as earlier.

Am still shivery (though it's warm indoors, down here in the sunny south)
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Only wimps take tamiflu. I had it but didn't even bother phoning anyone.
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Think my Missus has it, off work yesterday and today, really sore all over, bad chest and throat. Been together 8 years and she has been sick once or twice but never spent whole day in bed until yesterday.

I'm supposed to be going on lads weekend hope she gets better before Friday
Unless you are unusually distant from her, you can expect to catch it too.

It sounds like it lasts about a a week.

What's her temperature?
John, there is a lot of misleading advice regarding swine flu, do you really need Tamiflu pills? My Gp said they are a waste of time as they are only for the seriously ill with underlying medical problems, tamiflu will make the flu last longer and can make you worse!
... tamiflu will make the flu last longer and can make you worse!
where did you hear that? I hear it can alleviate the illness and shorten it by about a day

I've certainly been feeling better since taking them
... tamiflu will make the flu last longer and can make you worse!
where did you hear that?
My GP and he's also angry that people can order the pills over the net without seeing the doctor because Tamiflu have to be closely monitored depending on your height, weight and health etc and my GP will only give it to you if you're seriously ill with it. My youngest son (20yrs) had it and was told he would recover quicker without the pills, got over it in 4 days
:D Well it seems to be working for me

Up to the time I took it, I was feeling pretty grim and getting worse. Within 12 hours I had stopped getting worse and by the next day am improving. This afternoon I felt well enough to go out for a walk (but am still feverish and came home sweating)

Sore throat is greatly improved, cough is not quite as bad, headache not so bad, aching limbs better and I am not so sleepy.

BTW I have had respiratory probs in the past and am nervous about chest infections.

Unfortunately my thermometer has gone faulty so I can't check my temp :(

Maybe it's like the common cold: "Untreated, it can last for a week, but with the right drugs, it can clear up after 7 days"
Flap Britain, why worry about something that may never happen?

Ive asked to get the pig flue, want it, to show you pussies that you will still believe what your told on BBC. the beeb is a one sided story.
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