Old Ericsson Phone

11 Jan 2004
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United Kingdom
Nothing to do with Sven...

I have just resurrected an Ericsson A1018s phone which has lain in our loft for over a decade...

It is locked to One2One (or T Mobile, these days!)

Does anyone happen to know if these old handsets can be easily unlocked?

From my enquiries on the web, they need a data cable and it seems very expensive.

I know it sound nuts, I could go out and buy a cheap handset from CPW for under a tenner but I just need a mobile based at my desk (is that a contradiction??) and fancy doing some eco-recycling to boot...
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If it needs a special cable to unlock it's probablly not worth buying the kit to get one phone done.

There are lots of smaller phone shops that offer unlocking, might be work enquiring in some of those.
There's a stall on our local market each week that unlocks phones for a few quid - if he can't do it i doubt its possible - maybe your local market has a similar 'guy'?
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There's a stall on our local market each week that unlocks phones for a few quid - if he can't do it i doubt its possible - maybe your local market has a similar 'guy'?

The battery is probably shot! Anyway if its 10 years old you probably couldn't store more than 10 texts if you could even send them! I had an Orbitel 902 phone on Vodafone in 1995 and that was one of the first gsm phones that could actually send text messages. most could only receive.
They where first phone BG ever issued and where sh#te back then, used to last weeks lost count of how many phones and batteries a had.