One for Doggit

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
Trust me Notch, if it's left wing, it'll be used as propoganda by John in any way he can. The left want to remain, and will spin any article to give the impression they want, as will the Tory papers of course, whcih is why John doesn't use their articles.

Here's an interesting article from the Daily Torygraph. The Conservatives are scared witless because their supporters are dwindling and their policies are anathema to younger citizens.

"If Theresa May can't make sure capitalism works for young people, what is the point of her?"

"Is Jeremy Corbyn right?
He said in Brighton this week that 2017 “may be the year when politics finally caught up with the crash of 2008”. Ever since the fall of Lehman Brothers in September 2008, this column has repeated the mantra that Everything Is Different Now. Part of that difference is that those who previously seemed wise now seem foolish; and sometimes vice versa.

It is supposed to be a feature of the capitalism proudly proclaimed by Margaret Thatcher, and continued, in weakening form, by Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, David Cameron and Theresa May, that most people get richer. There’s not much point in it if this does not happen. Since 2008, real living standards have not significantly risen. That is a long time. So it is not surprising that a new generation turns to a man who never had anything to do with this stuff. "

"When Uber drivers thank the Conservatives for giving them their first home, we'll know the opportunity society is working again"

(not much chance of that)
Hurrah for Zero Hours contracts, say the Tories!
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