Operation constrain .......what idiot thought this up ?

It does say in the article -

It has been slammed by experts and MPs.


Terrorism expert Professor Anthony Glees, of Buckingham University, said: "You can’t bribe people not to be terrorists."

May I suggest whoever thought up this scheme is sacked?

There is suitable public housing all over the country available for them -


It was William Hague as Foreign Secretary gave £2.7 m to the ISIS rebels ( for Humanitarian Needs) and instigated the ending of the Arms embargo so British and US Intelligence were able to supply them with the Arms needed to overthrow Assad. ( but ISIS had their own agenda)

So were those that left the Country to join ISIS really Terrorists or were they just doing what this Government wanted some of its subjects to do. ( which is morally wrong)
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It depends if the law has changed,

and that was before ISIS became worse than Assad; now they can sell him arms.

It's all a game, anyway. Wars are good (and necessary) for business.
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Dear friends,
I just signed the petition "Stop Operation Constrain" and wanted to ask if you could add your name too.
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P.S. Can you also take a moment to share the petition with others? It's really easy – all you need to do is forward this email or share this link on Facebook or Twitter: http://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/fight-against-operation-constrain

On a side note. I know ex members of the forces are treated for mental health and other issues - unfortunately its despicable. It's as if the Army doesn't want to know them.

Operation Contraint won't happen - its just the usual think tanks looking at what to do and putting all options on the table no matter how unsavoury.