Ozzy Trade shortage

4 Feb 2007
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United Kingdom
Accidentally caught a chunk of 'This Morning' ... er... this morning, that was on about the massive skills/trades shortage in Australia and how loads of British brickies, plummers, sparkies etc were buggering off over there to work and doing rather well.

Anyone considered such a move?

Seems that the average cost of living is cheaper than over here (probably with a corresponding drop in average earnings) plus the added attraction that you get a decent summer for most of the year!

Also, you do stand a marginally better chance of finding Kylie lurking in your tool box... :LOL:
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I was in my old sink estate boozer last weekend talking to lad who has just come back ,
Pete ....
He tried it there as a sparky ,
real nightmare ,
as his aunty is a resident there ...
he was there as her sponsor or something an the firm he got a start with were ok at first ,
its just ,
the working conditions /pay is truely dreadful ..
over here he is a time served fully qualified certed ieeeciec (whatever ,lol)
an was on very good money as a foreman , going there he was starting again , an had to start from the bottom .....he accepted that
But wages were pitiful ,
6.30am starts an 2 finishes
the weather was really hard for him ...exhausting .....

an I told him I was the same recently in the Caribbean, well not working ,lounging around a luxury beach villa, sat drinking rum all day lol
but the HOT weather aint right for a working Brit lad ....ok two weeks holiday but you have had enough after 13 days ..lol..lol
having to think....... this is the rest of your Life ...UUUurgh ...

anyway he sacked it an came home ,
He felt a right pl*nker .......after all the big farewells etc but is happy to be back with his old works ...who were pleased to have him back :)

I think it was one of the clever fellas here who said to me recently ....
"the grass isnt always greener !"

I think though if you are a young lad/no ties in your early teens , an just out of an apprenticeship , its worth the Punt ....;)
I heard the Aussie punt was c...rap after all it`s where men are men and so are the women :eek:
Pom anchors !
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From all the Aussies I've met/worked with over the years I get the impression they value and respect their trades down there unlike here.

The Australians know the reputation of trades in this country is abysmal and our standard of qualifications is pitifully low. Not surprising they want you to start at the bottom and train up to their standard and that may take several years hence low pay to start with.
I've lived and worked in Australia, I used to go there for our winters, its cheaper to live whilst your spending your great British pound, but as soon as you get onto Aussie dollars its just the same as here, heating bills are less but air conditioning is more, fuel is cheap, food is fantastic, the same price as here but far better quality, beer is rubbish unless its from Tasmania and even then its more larger type beer, the people are great but its a long way to go to find out if you don't like it, its true that they do value their work force more than here and there are opportunities for those that have the getup and go, if you like outdoor living go for it, I expect that I'll end up out there and wouldn't be surprised if I bump into my mate from 'United States Minor Outlying Islands' out there. ;)
My ambition is to go Oz by 'working ship', not a flat bottomed bugger though Ricardo ;) ... We'll see.

I'll be visiting Melbourne etc next year ... I was hoping S'pore airlines A380, but that remains to be seen... Certainly the first, perhaps the latter.
A great sadness that there'll be no flight deck visits next time.
Had a friend who went out there to commission some equipment in the northern part.Remember him saying it was very humid,sticky.He rented a house.Before you put your shoes on , or any clothes, you have to check for spiders and such.He was told not to let his young kid,who was 2 at the time,to play in the grass because of red back spiders and bull ants,
which are like miniature pitbulls.He said it would take a lot of adaption to live there.Mind you he was glad to get back and have a decent pint.
Its myth, the number of human deaths from spider bites in Australia since 1979 has been zero and Australian snakes are inoffensive and very shy,about 2 to 3 people die each year from snakebite throughout Australia.
Bull ants are fantastic! if they bite you it hurts but there so big you can see them coming, we had a nest of them in our back garden no problems we just got rid of them, then you've got these balls of caterpillars that hang in the trees, they call spitfires, if you get too close to admire them they spit acid in your face :LOL:
but hell! we;ve got stingy things here in the uk, the beer is the biggest problem and the heat in the northern territories. :LOL:
blue ringed octopus bite!! 2 mins till death :LOL:
box jelly fish!! makes the men wear ladies stockings :LOL:
1700 road deaths and over 22000 serious injuries in Australia each year. :cry:
Worse thing - sitting on a concrete step, head wind off the Southern'ish Ocean, waiting for those little penguinauts to venture ashore on Phillip Island ..
Best laugh that day, with the serving laideez at the take away, just before the bridge to the Island ... Trying to work out the nearest to our own fish 'n chips ... Only bought a drink tho' - we were grilling steaks on the griddle provided in the car park ( pay for gas via slot ) -- What a good idea too, adjacent to many car park facilities !
''San remo'' :LOL: I've eaten there a few times, there is a good fish and chip shop in Cowes but the fish is flake, not as good as cod but better than gummy shark, we lived on Phillip island at first and its nice until the motorcycle racing season.
Ricardo Is that really the name? 'San Remo', I hadn't noticed in '98.

I wuz at the actual San Remo (saff France) in '66, watched the World Cup semis and glorious final on the box, just me and a guy from Leeds, in Hotel lounge full of Italian and German fans ... Never to be forgotten !
A pretty good night followed that .. woo hoo !

Phillip Island and motorbikes - Pretty much 'died in the wool' fan I'm afraid, since listening to Murray Walker on Long Playing discs describing races from the IOM TT, complete with all the sounds back in the 60's.. He'd have been in his 40's back then.


"the reputation of trades in this country is abysmal and our standard of qualifications is pitifully low"

I take huge offence to that stupid comment ...
Its a shame we have a society that is quicker to comdemn our trades lads /lasses here ...an Never support the Good fully skilled person here ...

its easy to sneer isnt it ....
an regarding aussie workers , from what Im told from my sparky mate ,
they are ok ....
to be told to this or that job,
but have no idea on leadership/initiative an thinking for themselves,
like mindless robots lol..lol

Goes back to our old days in the 70s where the foreman told worker to do that an he did it ,
but if they found a prob it was Job Stops , til the foreman tells them what to do mentality ,
which is widespread in OZ in the 21 century ,lol...lol...lol
Moz said:

"the reputation of trades in this country is abysmal and our standard of qualifications is pitifully low"

I take huge offence to that stupid comment ...
Its a shame we have a society that is quicker to comdemn our trades lads /lasses here ...an Never support the Good fully skilled person here ...

its easy to sneer isnt it ....
an regarding aussie workers , from what Im told from my sparky mate ,
they are ok ....
to be told to this or that job,
but have no idea on leadership/initiative an thinking for themselves,
like mindless robots lol..lol

Goes back to our old days in the 70s where the foreman told worker to do that an he did it ,
but if they found a prob it was Job Stops , til the foreman tells them what to do mentality ,
which is widespread in OZ in the 21 century ,lol...lol...lol

From what you are told ????? :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

That's how this thread started...... I lived and worked there for 30 years. I think Richardp is closest to it.... Kev...
I lived and worked there for 30 years

what ...in a blue collar trade ?
usually not .......
my pal said they were like trained up *chimps *,hopelessly inept ....lol
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